I like stuff.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Input welcome.

I'm trying to work out a sort of budgetary system for myself. I'm starting with the food budget first.

Any recommendations would be tops as I get my thoughts sorted out.



Awed Job said...

MissJecka just turned me on to Mint.com. If you are cool with having personal financial information on the intrawebs, then go for it.

PK and I use Quicken. Before that we used MS Money.

I recommend the book, "Richest Man in Babylon".

Anonymous said...

I am not a total financial nightmare (close) and have been advised this way about food money:

Record for a week what you spend on food (or a month whatever) and then use that number as your budget. The logic being that you normally don't go overboard and the number you set will act as a limit.

When supporting two it worked very well and helped me to save each time. If I went under I could save the rest and if I ran into the limit it would be clear that I could no longer splurge on eating out etc. (Which we did not do.)

If you have an Aldi's or a Trader Joe's you can cut your costs quite a bit over the regular stores.