If you know me, there's a good chance you've heard me say that I can't wait for 2009 to end. Been a bad year, but it was just a few days ago that I realized something larger: it's been a lousy decade.
10 years ago, I was sitting in my craptastic apartment, watching the news, waiting to see if the Y2K meltdown would happen. If you're reading this, clearly you survived.
I entered the new millennia with fresh scars of having been with my mother when she passed a couple weeks before. Sat there in my apartment and the thought hit me "Hey, maybe she wasn't destined to see the 21st century."
The Y2k meltdown didn't come. I wonder if I've been waiting for it all this time.
I saw planes fly into buildings. I saw my life get upended several times. I saw my country get worse, and then better, and then worse, and then better, I think. Saw liberty get bogged down in 3 ounce bottles of liquids. Saw my government get choked in appeasing a group of people that readily accept the name "Tea Baggers"
I saw the death of $deity
In five years, maybe I'll get to look back at 2009 and say "Hey, that was the year I got things under control". Or maybe I'll look back and say "That year was a mess. Glad I survived it."
You, I hope you're doing well. Be awesome.
Goodbye, 2009.
I like stuff.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
ok, I get it.
Second time today I saw some Star Wars reference that made me laugh. I'm on vacation, so I'll watch New Hope tomorrow or something. Geez.
I think I linked this one previously, but hey, still good.
I think I linked this one previously, but hey, still good.
So, as regular readers know, I've been trying to get into better shape. Lost a fair amount of weight this year, and some people say "Hey, what's your secret?"
Well, now that the year is coming to a close, let me tell you
Well, now that the year is coming to a close, let me tell you
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Let's take another look at Mint.com
The cusp of a new year, a revised mint.com privacy policy. Gotta be better, right? Er, maybe.
Not trying to be unfair, this is from the privacy page as of 12/27/2009.
Once again, same as the first, a little bit better, and a little bit worse:
(transiit: As long as your financial institution doesn't support that. But it won't be through mint, they leave that blame elsewhere.)
(transiit: I covered this before. You're totally anonymous as long as you give us all your bank account info.)
(transiit: We, um, noticed, that we f#@#ed up. States like California require us to tell you these things. We're going to call it a "feature". Because we couldn't totally be data-mining all of your transactions to build a up a profile where something would seem to be fraudulent. Remember, we tell you you are anonymous. So we just email you when we have to live up to data-breach regulations.)
(transiit: 128-bit encryption again. See above. "We store in a secure facility. On our own servers. Securely. With Security and s@$@" Remember, you were anonymous one point ago. They didn't have information to worry about. Now, round the clock protection and scanners that the average security enthusiast ("Woo! Biometric. Turns out my knife takes your thumb or eyeball, how are you going to change your credentials now?") is not very enthusiastic about. But you know, companies. Verisign likes us. TRUSTe likes us. RSA accepts our checks.)
(transiit: My bank account login is "personally identifiable information". If you've got that, you can move money. Saying it isn't, kinda stinks of the horses$$$)
(transiit: repetition. see above)
(transiit: repetition. see above)
Well, they seemed to have changed it. They seem more conscious of their claims. Still wrong, but new words gotta mean something, right?
(I've mentioned them before)
It was said on the last post that this is a security/convenience trade-off. I don't agree with that. Going for convenience to me means knowing that you could kick in my front door (doorjam ain't that sturdy) or use a bump key and bypass most locks. Yeah, you could get in if you were sufficiently motivated. My security comes from the likelihood that someone that wanted to get in for nefarious purposes would rather choose an easier/higher value target. The low-hanging fruit. Could build myself some sort of high-security vault instead, I suppose. That's security vs. convenience to me. Handing over a password so I can track my finances, seriously, why is this still even a question?
Not trying to be unfair, this is from the privacy page as of 12/27/2009.
Once again, same as the first, a little bit better, and a little bit worse:
(transiit: that'd be between you and them. Between them and your bank, hey who knows? Remember in 1997 when you could download the advanced 128-bit SSL version of Netscape Navigator (if you lived in the right country, thank you, munitions export guidelines) That's right, bank-level security. From last decade.
We provide bank-level security.
Mint.com uses 128-bit SSL encryption and 24/7 physical security.
You cannot move money.
Mint.com is a read-only service, no transfers are possible — in or out.
(transiit: As long as your financial institution doesn't support that. But it won't be through mint, they leave that blame elsewhere.)
You register anonymously.
We don’t need your name or any personally identifiable info.
(transiit: I covered this before. You're totally anonymous as long as you give us all your bank account info.)
Our alerts increase your financial security.
We notify you of possible fraudulent transactions on all accounts.
(transiit: We, um, noticed, that we f#@#ed up. States like California require us to tell you these things. We're going to call it a "feature". Because we couldn't totally be data-mining all of your transactions to build a up a profile where something would seem to be fraudulent. Remember, we tell you you are anonymous. So we just email you when we have to live up to data-breach regulations.)
Mint provides bank-level data security for the transaction information we store.
* Mint.com uses 128-bit SSL encryption, the industry standard for data protection, to ensure that all communications are secure.
* We store transaction information in a secure facility, on our own servers, protected by 24/7 security guards and biometric scanners.
* All our employees pass financial and criminal background checks as a condition of employment.
* Mint.com has received the VeriSign security seal and is tested daily by Hackersafe.
* Our privacy protection standards are certified by TRUSTe.
* Our anti-phishing protection is provided by RSA Security, Inc.
(transiit: 128-bit encryption again. See above. "We store in a secure facility. On our own servers. Securely. With Security and s@$@" Remember, you were anonymous one point ago. They didn't have information to worry about. Now, round the clock protection and scanners that the average security enthusiast ("Woo! Biometric. Turns out my knife takes your thumb or eyeball, how are you going to change your credentials now?") is not very enthusiastic about. But you know, companies. Verisign likes us. TRUSTe likes us. RSA accepts our checks.)
You cannot move money with Mint.
Mint.com offers valuable insights and analytic tools to help you better understand your money…but Mint.com is a "read only" service. Meaning: you can view and organize your money with Mint.com, but you cannot move money between—or out of—your bank, credit union or credit card accounts.
You register anonymously— we don’t need your name or any personally identifiable info.
(transiit: My bank account login is "personally identifiable information". If you've got that, you can move money. Saying it isn't, kinda stinks of the horses$$$)
* All you need to use Mint.com is a valid email address, password and zip code. We don’t need your name or any personally identifiable info.
* We ask for your online banking user name and passwords so that we can connect securely to your financial institutions
* Your online banking credentials are stored securely so that Mint.com can automatically update your transactions— saving you from updating, syncing or uploading financial information manually.
(transiit: repetition. see above)
Mint alerts can increase your financial security.
Mint.com provides 24/7 protection through proactive email and text alerts to to notify you about any large purchases or unusual charges in your accounts. We let you know what’s happening and when, so you’ll be able to react quickly to recover your personal finances, credit score and identity and avoid any potential damage.
(transiit: repetition. see above)
Well, they seemed to have changed it. They seem more conscious of their claims. Still wrong, but new words gotta mean something, right?
(I've mentioned them before)
It was said on the last post that this is a security/convenience trade-off. I don't agree with that. Going for convenience to me means knowing that you could kick in my front door (doorjam ain't that sturdy) or use a bump key and bypass most locks. Yeah, you could get in if you were sufficiently motivated. My security comes from the likelihood that someone that wanted to get in for nefarious purposes would rather choose an easier/higher value target. The low-hanging fruit. Could build myself some sort of high-security vault instead, I suppose. That's security vs. convenience to me. Handing over a password so I can track my finances, seriously, why is this still even a question?
Friday, December 25, 2009
This is my friendly neighbor cat.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Quote of the day
Them: "Yeah, but this was back in the 80's, when it was still OK to drink and drive."
Me: "Clearly. Until that fateful day in 1989 when it suddenly became dangerous."
Me: "Clearly. Until that fateful day in 1989 when it suddenly became dangerous."
Monday, December 21, 2009
Internet Fun Day is coming.
If you want in, let me know and I can set you up to be part of it.
clicky, clicky
If you want in, let me know and I can set you up to be part of it.
clicky, clicky
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Can I hate the Catholic church yet?
Seriously, the members as individuals, probably decent folk. But the church as an institution, stop being dumb.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Most Absurd Conversation Ever: "Lick the Bacon Whore" (slightly trimmed)
(amazingly, the bulk of this was just a bit over half an hour)
7:44:25 PM poolnoodl: wank?
7:44:30 PM ImagineBGP: WANK
7:44:40 PM Diskgrinder: waaaaannnnnnnkkkkk
7:44:50 PM Pilot: O_O
7:44:53 PM Pilot: right then
7:44:56 PM poolnoodl: fine, i'll have a wank.
7:45:08 PM Diskgrinder: have a tug too
7:45:13 PM Pilot: last one to the energizer room 's wanker
7:45:41 PM ImagineBGP: btw, there is a kid in the room. Just sayin. Do as you will.
7:46:11 PM Diskgrinder: I'm a wanker anyway, does that mean I can dawdle to the energy room?
7:46:15 PM ImagineBGP: I doubt we've shocked him yet though =8-)
7:46:16 PM poolnoodl: i'm sure he's had a wank before.
7:46:54 PM Diskgrinder: I'm good at wanking, I have a DVD out - wanks for the memory, available on iTunes
7:47:28 PM ImagineBGP: I liked you as an eyeball better.
7:47:47 PM Pilot: i hear "the good, the bad, and the wanker" was good also
7:47:56 PM ImagineBGP: I saw that movie!
7:48:33 PM Pilot: although if i see westerns i prefer comedy westerns, like "Blazing Wankers"
7:48:38 PM ImagineBGP: VP, can you think of the perfect comment to get this thing uplifted a bit?
7:48:53 PM vp: I'm sorry. I'm not paying attention.
7:48:56 PM vp: dragging/dropping.
7:48:58 PM transiit: imagine: a wank too far?
7:49:20 PM Diskgrinder: My fasvourite film is "Hidden dragon croching wank"
7:49:27 PM Jecka: and I return, slightly cleaner than before
7:49:32 PM Pilot: subtitles ftw
7:49:35 PM ImagineBGP: thinking about how to formulate an answer
7:49:41 PM vp: hidden dragon crotching wank.
7:49:57 PM Diskgrinder: One wanked over the cuckoo's nest
7:50:02 PM Pilot: the book was better
7:50:05 PM ImagineBGP: gone with the wank?
7:50:06 PM transiit: wank in sixty seconds
7:50:17 PM Diskgrinder: LOL LOL LOL
7:50:18 PM transiit: wankers of the carribbean?
7:50:18 PM ImagineBGP: bridge over the river wank
7:50:23 PM transiit: citizen wank
7:50:27 PM transiit: dr strangewank
7:50:27 PM Pilot: Wankin' in the rain? or was it Singin' in the Wank?
7:50:32 PM Diskgrinder: LOLity LOL
7:50:36 PM ImagineBGP: transliit! best
7:50:39 PM transiit: full metal wank
7:50:44 PM poolnoodl: Willa Wanka
7:50:45 PM Pilot: ah kubrick
7:50:48 PM Jecka: four wankers and a funeral
7:50:49 PM poolnoodl: Willy Wanka
7:50:55 PM whytheam: the ice cream was awesome
7:50:57 PM ImagineBGP: jecka!
7:50:58 PM transiit: the wizard of wank
7:51:02 PM Jecka: hi!
7:51:02 PM Pilot: 2001: A Wank Oddessy
7:51:04 PM wecontact: The Search for the Holy Wank?
7:51:07 PM ImagineBGP: wished I had icecream
7:51:10 PM Diskgrinder: A wank too far
7:51:13 PM Pilot: (spelling FTL)
7:51:15 PM transiit: the wanking fields
7:51:15 PM poolnoodl: Harry Wanker and the Chamber of Secrets.
7:51:28 PM transiit: an officer and a wank
7:51:31 PM transiit: on wanking pond
7:51:34 PM Jecka: The Wank Horror Picture Show
7:51:36 PM Pilot: wankspotting
7:51:37 PM ImagineBGP: a wank and a gentleman
7:51:37 PM Diskgrinder: The wank supremacy
7:51:40 PM Jecka: Office Wank
7:51:42 PM consumatron: wankenstein
7:51:46 PM Diskgrinder: The wank ultmatum
7:51:47 PM transiit: young wankenstein
7:51:48 PM Pilot: young wankenstein
7:51:50 PM Jecka: or, Wank Space
7:51:50 PM Pilot: ah
7:51:55 PM transiit: blazing wankers
7:52:06 PM ImagineBGP: 2001 a Wank Oddesy
7:52:06 PM Jecka: The Wank Element
7:52:07 PM transiit: history of the wank, volume one
7:52:09 PM Pilot: that one was up there already transiit ;)
7:52:17 PM Pilot: wankballs ?
7:52:17 PM wecontact: Wank Wars?
7:52:23 PM wecontact: was that one done?
7:52:25 PM Pilot: The Wankers?
7:52:25 PM poolnoodl: Wankmando?
7:52:26 PM transiit: the wank strikes back
7:52:30 PM transiit: return of the wank
7:52:33 PM transiit: the phantom wank
7:52:36 PM Pilot: A New Wank
7:52:36 PM transiit: attack of the wankers
7:52:38 PM poolnoodl: Grand Theft Wank?
7:52:41 PM ImagineBGP: Return of the Pink Wank
7:52:43 PM transiit: joe vs the wank
7:52:43 PM consumatron: wank: first blood
7:52:43 PM Pilot: IV
7:52:43 PM ImagineBGP: ewwww
7:52:45 PM Diskgrinder: A wanker and a gentleman
7:52:50 PM wecontact: done already
7:52:51 PM Jecka: King Wank
7:52:51 PM vp: heehee.
7:52:56 PM poolnoodl: The Wankfather
7:53:02 PM transiit: wankface
7:53:05 PM transiit: good wankers
7:53:06 PM wecontact: Mickey Blue Wank
7:53:06 PM poolnoodl: Wank Wars
7:53:06 PM Jecka: Father of the Wank
7:53:08 PM Pilot: The Wankfather Pts II & II
7:53:10 PM Pilot: III
7:53:10 PM Jecka: Face-Wank
7:53:11 PM whytheam: >:-o You don't make any sense!
7:53:14 PM ImagineBGP: Wanker Wanker Wanker (tora tora tora)
7:53:14 PM Diskgrinder: Good will wanking
7:53:15 PM Jecka: or
7:53:17 PM Jecka: Wank-Off
7:53:23 PM wecontact: Wankplane
7:53:23 PM transiit: good wank hunting
7:53:31 PM wecontact: A Beautiful Wank
7:53:35 PM transiit: wank of the damned
7:53:37 PM Jsar: Wankvita
7:53:37 PM poolnoodl: Das Wank?
7:53:38 PM wecontact: hahah
7:53:42 PM Jecka: The Secret Wank
7:53:44 PM consumatron: wanks on a plane
7:53:45 PM poolnoodl: Night of the Living Wank
7:53:49 PM Diskgrinder: ha ha ha LOL LOL LOL
7:53:49 PM Jecka: or
7:53:49 PM Pilot: La Dolce Wank
7:53:51 PM Jecka: The Wank Garden
7:53:53 PM wecontact: hurrrray ctron
7:53:57 PM transiit: secrets of a wanker
7:54:00 PM Pilot: The Bicycle Wank
7:54:00 PM Diskgrinder: The English Wanker
7:54:03 PM wecontact: this is wonderfully inane
7:54:08 PM ImagineBGP: redundant
7:54:09 PM transiit: Wankers: A love story
7:54:10 PM Jecka: The Little Wanker
7:54:10 PM Jsar: *clapping*
7:54:17 PM Jecka: Beauty and the Wank
7:54:20 PM transiit: The Evil Wank
7:54:21 PM poolnoodl: The Wank with Ze Frank?
7:54:24 PM Pilot: Wankerella
7:54:25 PM transiit: Army of Wankers
7:54:25 PM Jecka: ha!
7:54:30 PM wecontact: Snow Wank
7:54:33 PM Jecka: Wankzilla
7:54:40 PM Jecka: Snow White and the Seven Wanks
7:54:41 PM Pilot: Cloverwank
7:54:43 PM transiit: Three wankers and a baby
7:54:46 PM Jsar: Wanktatouille
7:54:50 PM wecontact: I Am Wank
7:54:51 PM Diskgrinder: I am laughing my ass off
7:54:54 PM Jecka: Wankville
7:54:56 PM Pilot: 3 weddings and a wank
7:55:00 PM transiit: Falling Wank
7:55:00 PM ImagineBGP: done already
7:55:02 PM poolnoodl: The Sound of Wank
7:55:03 PM Diskgrinder: LOL
7:55:03 PM Pilot: Finding Wank
7:55:06 PM wecontact: Look Who's Wanking Now
7:55:06 PM Jecka: Matt, I did that, and you did it wrong
7:55:16 PM Jecka: it's 4 Weddings and a Funeral, not 3
7:55:17 PM Jecka: :P
7:55:18 PM Pilot: 3 wanks and a funeral?
7:55:23 PM Pilot: whatever
7:55:26 PM Jecka: fail.
7:55:28 PM Diskgrinder: Casawanka
7:55:29 PM Jecka: ;)
7:55:29 PM transiit: wankass
7:55:30 PM Pilot: i never saw it anyhow
7:55:34 PM Jecka: nor have I
7:55:35 PM poolnoodl: Wankenstein
7:55:41 PM ImagineBGP: done already
7:55:41 PM transiit: I am wanker
7:55:43 PM Jsar: Wankula
7:55:47 PM Pilot: Omega Wanker
7:55:47 PM consumatron: wanking arizona
7:55:51 PM whytheam: You make me so angry!
7:55:54 PM Pilot: Wank
7:55:55 PM ImagineBGP: ctron good one
7:55:55 PM transiit: There will be wanking
7:55:56 PM Jecka: Pan's Wank
7:56:01 PM wecontact: Eight-legged Wanks
7:56:09 PM ImagineBGP: transiit yer killing me
7:56:11 PM Diskgrinder: No country for old wankers
7:56:11 PM Pilot: Resident Wank
7:56:11 PM ImagineBGP: lol lol
7:56:15 PM poolnoodl: WankerCop.
7:56:15 PM wecontact: hahahahaha
7:56:21 PM Pilot: There Will Be Wank?
7:56:24 PM transiit: RoboWank
7:56:25 PM Jsar: The Wanker's Guide to the Galaxy
7:56:26 PM Jecka: I like RoboWank better, noodl
7:56:29 PM poolnoodl: Dude, Where's My Wank?
7:56:29 PM wecontact: Boondock Wankers
7:56:29 PM Jecka: hah,
7:56:36 PM Jecka: lol, noodl
7:56:36 PM consumatron: wank hard
7:56:38 PM transiit: Wank Club
7:56:38 PM ImagineBGP: noodl good one
7:56:41 PM Pilot: Harold and Kumar go to Wank
7:56:50 PM poolnoodl: Wank Castle
7:56:54 PM Jsar: rofl
7:56:54 PM Jecka: Schindler's Wank
7:56:57 PM Diskgrinder: wank hard!!!!!!!! priceless!
7:57:03 PM Pilot: Wank Park
7:57:03 PM Pilot: Jurassic Wank
7:57:05 PM whytheam: Wank plane?
7:57:12 PM ImagineBGP: Wank on a plane
7:57:12 PM Jecka: done already
7:57:13 PM Pilot: Wankplane 2
7:57:19 PM whytheam: damn
7:57:20 PM Jecka: done already, susan
7:57:20 PM Diskgrinder: Wanks on a plane
7:57:25 PM ImagineBGP: bah
7:57:27 PM Jsar: Mr. Smith Goes to Wank-town
7:57:27 PM transiit: wankiocracy
7:57:30 PM Jecka: same to you, diskgrinder
7:57:33 PM transiit: It's a wonderful wank
7:57:35 PM Pilot: Get these motherfucking wanks, of this motherfucking plane!
7:57:35 PM Jecka: Mr. and Mrs. Wank
7:57:35 PM ImagineBGP: dg thats thrice
7:57:39 PM whytheam: Star Trek Wank
7:57:44 PM transiit: Wank Trek
7:57:48 PM Pilot: Wank Trek II
7:57:51 PM Pilot: The wrath of Wank
7:57:53 PM ImagineBGP: Just Star Wank
7:57:59 PM Jecka: Nancy Wank
7:58:03 PM Jsar: Wnak the Line
7:58:03 PM Diskgrinder: Satr wars: the wankers strike back
7:58:04 PM whytheam: Tom Wanks
7:58:04 PM Pilot: The Hardy Wanks
7:58:05 PM consumatron: wankcoach
7:58:10 PM Jecka: Little Wankers
7:58:13 PM transiit: fellowship of the wank
7:58:17 PM Jecka: Wank Machine
7:58:17 PM transiit: the two wanks
7:58:19 PM wecontact: Heavywanks
7:58:20 PM consumatron: the man who wanked liberty valence
7:58:25 PM transiit: the man with two wanks
7:58:26 PM poolnoodl: The Wanks of Rath
7:58:30 PM Diskgrinder: The little wankers on the prairie
7:58:32 PM Pilot: The Sorcerers Wank
7:58:34 PM ImagineBGP: ctron. excellent
7:58:34 PM Jecka: Superwank
7:58:38 PM Diskgrinder: Lord of the wanks
7:58:41 PM transiit: W for Wanketta
7:58:42 PM wecontact: Wank Girl
7:58:46 PM Jecka: hah!
7:58:47 PM Pilot: W
7:58:57 PM transiit: Hellwank
7:58:57 PM Jecka: Wank-Men
7:58:58 PM Jecka: or
7:58:59 PM transiit: Wanking begins
7:59:00 PM Jecka: X-Wank
7:59:03 PM Pilot: The Fantastic Wank
7:59:10 PM Pilot: Day of the Wankers
7:59:11 PM consumatron: horton wanks a who
7:59:16 PM Jecka: Brokeback Wankers
7:59:16 PM poolnoodl: lol
7:59:16 PM Diskgrinder: Citizen Wank
7:59:18 PM ImagineBGP: good again ctron
7:59:19 PM Pilot: Wanks
7:59:20 PM transiit: 28 wanks later
7:59:27 PM Jsar: Wanking Nemo
7:59:30 PM poolnoodl: The Wank in the Hat
7:59:34 PM Jecka: aaah, jsar
7:59:34 PM Diskgrinder: I'm dying
7:59:38 PM Pilot: Toy Wank I & II
7:59:38 PM whytheam: wank - e
7:59:38 PM transiit: wanking zoe
7:59:41 PM transiit: the ninth wank
7:59:41 PM consumatron: transiit: :-d
7:59:43 PM ImagineBGP: jsar - good
7:59:46 PM Jecka: Saving Private Wanker
7:59:48 PM Pilot: The 5th Wank
7:59:48 PM Diskgrinder: Wankers, inc
7:59:54 PM Jecka: 60 Wankers
7:59:56 PM whytheam: the wank men
7:59:59 PM transiit: minority wank
8:00:02 PM transiit: kentucky fried wank
8:00:03 PM consumatron: nowhere to wank
8:00:04 PM transiit: wank thing
8:00:04 PM Pilot: Wank in Black
8:00:07 PM poolnoodl: 12 Angry Wankers
8:00:07 PM transiit: surf wanks must die
8:00:08 PM Diskgrinder: Star Wanks
8:00:12 PM whytheam: wank hour
8:00:14 PM Jecka: Sidewank
8:00:14 PM ImagineBGP: noodl!
8:00:17 PM poolnoodl: THX-Wank
8:00:26 PM whytheam: pixwank
8:00:38 PM transiit: wankbusters
8:00:43 PM transiit: wank bandits
8:00:45 PM Pilot: King of Wank: A Fist Full of Wanks
8:00:45 PM whytheam: wankweek
8:00:49 PM poolnoodl: Who Wanked Roger Rabbit
8:00:55 PM Jecka: Final Fantasy: Wanker Children
8:00:55 PM Pilot: good one
8:00:56 PM Diskgrinder: The Big Wank
8:01:00 PM consumatron: school of wank
8:01:05 PM Pilot: Mary Wankens
8:01:09 PM transiit: grosse pointe wank
8:01:11 PM vp: you guys are awesome.
8:01:14 PM Jsar: Big Wanking in Little China
8:01:18 PM poolnoodl: lol
8:01:20 PM Pilot: :D
8:01:24 PM Jecka: Wanky Darko
8:01:29 PM Pilot: Wanktown
8:01:34 PM consumatron: wank hur
8:01:41 PM Diskgrinder: Once upon a wank in america
8:01:41 PM Jecka: haha, consumatron
8:01:47 PM Pilot: Wankie Hall
8:01:48 PM transiit: The Wank
8:01:50 PM Jecka: White Men Can't Wank
8:01:52 PM transiit: The Wank Reloaded
8:01:55 PM transiit: The Wank Revolutions
8:01:56 PM poolnoodl: Saturday Wank Fever
8:01:57 PM consumatron: jecka: hahah
8:01:58 PM ImagineBGP: jess!
8:02:00 PM Pilot: Dirty Wanking
8:02:07 PM Jecka: *bows*
8:02:09 PM whytheam: Wank Hour ||
8:02:20 PM transiit: The Wanking Movie
8:02:20 PM consumatron: wanking for bobby fisher
8:02:22 PM Pilot: The Lethal Wank
8:02:25 PM Diskgrinder: Whoever did "white me can't wank" is a genius
8:02:25 PM Jecka: My Best Friend's Wanker
8:02:25 PM Pilot: Wankface
8:02:26 PM transiit: The Great Wanking Caper
8:02:26 PM poolnoodl: The Wankinator
8:02:29 PM transiit: Wanking Takes Manhatten
8:02:34 PM Jecka: thanks, diskgrinder :)
8:02:39 PM transiit: Wanking Treasure Island
8:02:43 PM transiit: Wanking in Space
8:02:50 PM poolnoodl: Do the Wank Thing
8:02:52 PM ImagineBGP: Mutiny on the Wanker
8:02:55 PM Diskgrinder: Wankeratu
8:03:00 PM Jecka: Wanking Zivago (spelling?)
8:03:03 PM ImagineBGP: wanker on the bounty
8:03:05 PM poolnoodl: She's Gotta Wank It
8:03:07 PM transiit: (zhivago)
8:03:10 PM Jsar: Wanklien: In Space, no one can hear you wank.
8:03:14 PM whytheam: WankHF
8:03:18 PM consumatron: noodl :)
8:03:21 PM ImagineBGP: jsar - lol
8:03:22 PM transiit: Wank Up 2: Back on the streets
8:03:30 PM Pilot: 2001: A Wank Odyssey
8:03:33 PM Diskgrinder: Dirty wanking
8:03:37 PM poolnoodl: Wankle Fever
8:03:38 PM Jecka: When Harry Wanked Sally
8:03:43 PM ImagineBGP: we are repeating alot now.
8:03:50 PM whytheam: Marie Wankings
8:03:50 PM consumatron: wanked in america
8:03:50 PM Pilot: Wanking in Seattle
8:03:53 PM ImagineBGP: but jess, that was perfect
8:04:00 PM Jecka: hah, thanks
8:04:02 PM whytheam: Super Wank me
8:04:07 PM poolnoodl: Wank/Off
8:04:10 PM transiit: Fast Wank Nation
8:04:11 PM consumatron: wank the dog
8:04:17 PM Diskgrinder: "wanking in seattle" pure!!
8:04:18 PM transiit: Who Killed the Electric Wank?
8:04:18 PM Jecka: Wankerfield
8:04:19 PM ImagineBGP: ctron
8:04:26 PM Pilot: Wanko
8:04:26 PM Jsar: ctron
8:04:30 PM poolnoodl: Wankocracy
8:04:36 PM Pilot: Wankenheight 9/11
8:04:44 PM poolnoodl: The Spy Who Wanked Me
8:04:44 PM Pilot: Wank & Me
8:04:45 PM transiit: Bowling for Wank
8:04:47 PM Jecka: whoever did Wank/Off - I did that already
8:04:49 PM ImagineBGP: noodl
8:04:49 PM poolnoodl: Goldwanker
8:04:49 PM consumatron: wanker's crossing
8:04:49 PM Pilot: International Man of Wank
8:04:51 PM whytheam: Wank Bulers Day Off
8:04:55 PM Diskgrinder: OK, now do obscure art films
8:04:58 PM ImagineBGP: ferris bulers wank off
8:05:03 PM Pilot: From Russia with Wank
8:05:03 PM Jecka: Apt Wanker
8:05:04 PM transiit: City of Lost Wankers
8:05:07 PM Jsar: Run Wanker Run
8:05:09 PM Diskgrinder: Wankerville
8:05:14 PM Pilot: Die Another Wank
8:05:18 PM poolnoodl: Wank Runner
8:05:20 PM Pilot: Wank Royal
8:05:24 PM Jecka: The Wank After Tomorrow
8:05:24 PM Diskgrinder: Wank's Labyrinth
8:05:26 PM transiit: North By Northwank
8:05:27 PM whytheam: Wank Wank Wank
8:05:28 PM Pilot: Wank Runner: The Final Cut
8:05:28 PM ImagineBGP: Royal Wank
8:05:30 PM Pilot: Final Wnak*
8:05:31 PM consumatron: sweet wank
8:05:32 PM Jecka: done, diskgrinder
8:05:35 PM poolnoodl: The Royal Wankenbaums
8:05:37 PM Jsar: Last Wank in Paris
8:05:38 PM whytheam: Wankolat
8:05:41 PM Pilot: The Darjeeling Wank
8:05:42 PM transiit: 40 year old wank
8:05:49 PM poolnoodl: 8 Year Wank
8:05:51 PM ImagineBGP: he he he transiit
8:05:52 PM Pilot: Wank Zissu
8:05:53 PM Jecka: Wank the Universe
8:05:56 PM Diskgrinder: The royal wankenbaums!!!! gold!
8:05:58 PM Pilot: Wanked Up
8:06:18 PM Pilot: 39 Wanks
8:06:24 PM poolnoodl: Wank to the Future
8:06:28 PM Diskgrinder: The magnificent wankers
8:06:30 PM whytheam: Popeye The wanker man
8:06:36 PM ImagineBGP: and all these grown upw will go to work and act all professional tomorrow. Excellent
8:06:38 PM Pilot: North by Northwank
8:06:47 PM Pilot: isn't it great?
8:06:51 PM ImagineBGP: nice one DG
8:06:56 PM Jecka: Wedding Wankers
8:06:58 PM consumatron: wank of the sierra madre
8:06:59 PM Diskgrinder: Having top fun
8:07:00 PM ImagineBGP: it is great
8:07:03 PM consumatron: the big wank
8:07:06 PM Pilot: His Girl Wank
8:07:14 PM Jecka: Transwankers
8:07:20 PM Pilot: done
8:07:20 PM Jecka: ;)
8:07:21 PM Pilot: :P
8:07:22 PM whytheam: Orange County Wank
8:07:22 PM Jsar: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Wank
8:07:27 PM ImagineBGP: excellent jecka
8:07:30 PM poolnoodl: The Brave Little Wanker
8:07:30 PM Pilot: Wank Race
8:07:32 PM whytheam: Wank Race
8:07:36 PM Jecka: haha
8:07:39 PM transiit: wank city
8:07:42 PM ImagineBGP: the little wanker that could
8:07:43 PM Diskgrinder: OK, can we stop soon, because I am seriously having an aneurysm
8:07:44 PM Jsar: 10 Little Wankers
8:07:48 PM consumatron: a wank called wanda
8:07:50 PM Jecka: lol
8:07:54 PM Jecka: haha, ctron
8:07:55 PM Pilot: Escape from WanK
8:07:55 PM transiit: Escape from New Wank
8:08:09 PM Pilot: Escape from Los Wank
8:08:12 PM Diskgrinder: Dr. Wank
8:08:14 PM poolnoodl: The Shawwank Redemption
8:08:16 PM transiit: requiem for a wank
8:08:16 PM Diskgrinder: Goldenwank
8:08:19 PM consumatron: noodl
8:08:22 PM poolnoodl: Wank Fiction
8:08:25 PM Pilot: Silence of the Wanks
8:08:25 PM Jecka: Wank Side Story
8:08:32 PM transiit: I, Wanker
8:08:34 PM poolnoodl: Rear Wanker
8:08:34 PM Diskgrinder: Resevoir wankers
8:08:38 PM Jecka: Wank Runnings
8:08:42 PM ImagineBGP: transiit
8:08:47 PM Diskgrinder: Wank Bill II
8:08:52 PM Pilot: Jackie Wank
8:08:54 PM consumatron: how stella got her wank back
8:08:54 PM poolnoodl: is it good to have your name typed or not?
8:08:56 PM ImagineBGP: DG well done
8:09:03 PM Jecka: Brady Wank: The Movie
8:09:17 PM poolnoodl: No Country for Old Wanks
8:09:17 PM ImagineBGP: good!
8:09:18 PM transiit: Grindhouse Present: Planet Wanker w/ Wank Proof
8:09:22 PM ImagineBGP: it is praise!
8:09:27 PM Pilot: The Four Wanks
8:09:35 PM Jecka: Wanking with Scissors
8:09:35 PM poolnoodl: A Clockwank Orange
8:09:37 PM whytheam: wank men 2
8:09:40 PM transiit: Save the Last Wank
8:09:41 PM Pilot: Edward Wanker Hands
8:09:52 PM poolnoodl: Eternal Sunshine of the Wankless Mind
8:09:54 PM Jecka: Hairwank
8:09:56 PM Jsar: What's wanking gilbert grape?
8:09:56 PM Diskgrinder: I want it to stop but you guys keep on making it funnier - I am hurting from laughing
8:10:00 PM consumatron: jsar
8:10:01 PM Pilot: The Grapes of Wank
8:10:03 PM transiit: American History Wank
8:10:03 PM Jecka: haha, jsar
8:10:06 PM whytheam: Pirates of the wankerbien
8:10:10 PM transiit: Kung Fu Wankers
8:10:14 PM Jecka: done, wta
8:10:17 PM poolnoodl: Wanking Private Ryan
8:10:20 PM ImagineBGP: who wanked roger rabbit
8:10:21 PM Jecka: done, noodl
8:10:24 PM Pilot: Thin Red Wank
8:10:25 PM Jecka: done, susan
8:10:26 PM Jecka: lol
8:10:29 PM Pilot: Fog of Wank
8:10:30 PM poolnoodl: Requiem for a Wank?
8:10:34 PM Diskgrinder: LOL LOL LOL
8:10:39 PM Jecka: The Hunt for Red Wanktober
8:10:45 PM Pilot: Wanktober Sky
8:10:46 PM whytheam: Monty Python and the holy wank
8:10:50 PM transiit: Eternal Sunshine of the Wankless Mind
8:10:51 PM poolnoodl: The Wanktese Falcon?
8:10:56 PM Jecka: done, transiit
8:11:00 PM Pilot: Me, Myself, and Wank
8:11:02 PM Diskgrinder: Wankopalypse
8:11:04 PM Jecka: 101 Wankers
8:11:04 PM ImagineBGP: the kite wanker
8:11:07 PM Pilot: The Jungle Wank
8:11:07 PM poolnoodl: Wanking in the Rain?
8:11:12 PM Pilot: done pool
8:11:19 PM transiit: Wank of the Dead
8:11:21 PM Jecka: Gone with the Wank
8:11:21 PM poolnoodl: 2001: A Wanking Odyssey
8:11:23 PM whytheam: The Wanker Show
8:11:23 PM consumatron: wankablanca
8:11:23 PM Pilot: could also be Singing in the Wank ;)
8:11:23 PM transiit: Mallwanks
8:11:26 PM Pilot: also done, thrice
8:11:28 PM Jecka: done, ctron
8:11:31 PM ImagineBGP: we repeat
8:11:35 PM Pilot: :P
8:11:35 PM transiit: Hot Wanks
8:11:40 PM Pilot: we're running out of movies
8:11:40 PM Pilot: Wank!
8:11:42 PM poolnoodl: we'll filter out the dupes late
8:11:47 PM ImagineBGP: r
8:11:51 PM Diskgrinder: the unbearable lightness of wanking
8:11:51 PM poolnoodl: On the Wankfront?
8:11:56 PM poolnoodl: Full Metal Wank?
8:11:56 PM ImagineBGP: good one
8:11:57 PM Pilot: The Third Wank
8:11:59 PM consumatron: wank: the last dinosaur
8:12:01 PM whytheam: The Wank house
8:12:07 PM poolnoodl: Wankheart?
8:12:09 PM Pilot: A Touch of Wank
8:12:10 PM transiit: Chasing Wanky
8:12:23 PM poolnoodl: Wank Bill: Vol 1
8:12:23 PM transiit: Sky Captain and the World of Wank
8:12:26 PM Pilot: Wank Me if You Can
8:12:26 PM Diskgrinder: texas chainsaw wanking
8:12:30 PM consumatron: pilot!
8:12:30 PM Jsar: pilot
8:12:33 PM ImagineBGP: DG!
8:12:38 PM transiit: I spit on your wank
8:12:40 PM poolnoodl: The Deer Wanker
8:12:42 PM Diskgrinder: IMAGINE
8:12:42 PM consumatron: transiit
8:12:48 PM poolnoodl: The Sixth Wank
8:12:50 PM Pilot:
8:12:53 PM searleb: I've got to take off
8:12:54 PM searleb: bye!
8:12:57 PM transiit: later, searleb
8:12:58 PM ImagineBGP: saying I liked the texas chainsaw . . .
8:12:59 PM whytheam:
8:13:00 PM Jecka: adios
8:13:06 PM poolnoodl: Wanks for coming
8:13:08 PM consumatron: wank of re-animator
8:13:12 PM Pilot: The Three Wankers
8:13:14 PM Jecka: actually guys, I have to go too
8:13:16 PM wecontact: noodl, that was bad
8:13:16 PM Diskgrinder: wank you very much
8:13:16 PM poolnoodl: The Princess Wank
8:13:23 PM Jsar: Defending your wank
8:13:26 PM consumatron: bye jecka
8:13:27 PM transiit: The Wanking Gun
8:13:29 PM transiit: later jecka
8:13:31 PM Jecka: I'm leaving for Niagara Falls in, oh, 5 hours and 45 minutes
8:13:35 PM Jecka: wee!
8:13:38 PM Jsar: bye jecka
8:13:38 PM poolnoodl: Groundwank Day
8:13:38 PM Jecka: drunken fun!
8:13:40 PM Pilot: bye jess
8:13:47 PM Jecka: g'nite, everyone
8:13:47 PM ImagineBGP: slowly I turned, inch by inch
8:13:49 PM poolnoodl: byez
8:13:49 PM whytheam: A Cinderella wanky
8:13:55 PM ImagineBGP: night
8:13:55 PM Diskgrinder: cheers ee vee bod eee
8:14:02 PM transiit: Children of Wankers
8:14:02 PM consumatron: meet the wankers
8:14:18 PM poolnoodl: 3:10 to Wank
8:14:20 PM Pilot: Sunset Wank
8:14:28 PM ImagineBGP: Ocean's Wankers
8:14:29 PM Pilot: The Phantom of the Wank
8:14:37 PM Pilot: good one susan
8:14:41 PM poolnoodl: A Streetcar Named Wank
8:14:41 PM ImagineBGP: Return of the Wanker
8:14:42 PM Pilot: The Glass Wank
8:14:49 PM whytheam: When Harry met wanky
8:14:52 PM ImagineBGP: wait I repeat
8:14:57 PM consumatron: the last wank
8:15:00 PM ImagineBGP: you repeat too
8:15:00 PM poolnoodl: Schlinder's Wank
8:15:04 PM Diskgrinder: Brokeback wanker
8:15:04 PM Pilot: or, The Wank Menagerie
8:15:14 PM poolnoodl: Casawanka
8:15:16 PM ImagineBGP: done
8:15:28 PM whytheam: Wankman
8:15:30 PM poolnoodl: The Usual Wankspects?
8:15:37 PM ImagineBGP: it gets harder as all the movies ever made get, well, wanked
8:15:40 PM poolnoodl: Raiders of the Lost Wank?
8:15:49 PM ImagineBGP: good one noodl
8:15:50 PM Pilot: fuck, i'll brb
8:15:54 PM Pilot: this was good :D
8:16:03 PM ImagineBGP: bye pilot
8:16:04 PM consumatron: wank 'em high
8:16:04 PM poolnoodl: Goodwankas!
8:16:05 PM whytheam: I still don't get what were doing
8:16:06 PM Diskgrinder: happy happy joy joy
8:16:15 PM Pilot: happy happy wank wank
8:16:18 PM poolnoodl: Movie Title Wankification.
8:16:20 PM Pilot: wankburger
8:16:25 PM ImagineBGP: remaking movies to use the word wank in the title
8:16:25 PM whytheam: Ren & Wanky
8:16:29 PM Jsar: who saw Be Kind Rewind and knows waht a sweded movie is?
8:16:29 PM ImagineBGP: there you go
8:16:40 PM consumatron: jsar: mememe
8:16:40 PM Diskgrinder: wank and stimpy
8:16:40 PM Pilot: Be Kind, ReWank
8:16:55 PM poolnoodl: The Wankrix?
8:16:55 PM whytheam: OH i did
8:17:03 PM Diskgrinder: night of the wanking dead
8:17:10 PM ImagineBGP: likeing that
8:17:16 PM ImagineBGP: odd image though
8:17:16 PM consumatron: never wank down
8:17:21 PM poolnoodl: It's a Wonderful Wank
8:17:26 PM Diskgrinder: the wank witch project
8:17:29 PM ImagineBGP: noodl!
8:17:32 PM consumatron: the incredible wank
8:17:32 PM Jsar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHHPyTf7gcY
8:17:41 PM transiit: son of wank
8:17:58 PM poolnoodl: Lawrence of Wankia
8:18:01 PM whytheam: It's wanking ... I mean raining
8:18:04 PM Diskgrinder: wank's labyrinth
8:18:12 PM poolnoodl: Wankalypse Now
8:18:19 PM Diskgrinder: it's wanking men
8:18:26 PM whytheam: Wankman and Robin
8:18:39 PM poolnoodl: American History Wank
8:18:49 PM whytheam: Austin Wankers
8:19:11 PM poolnoodl: Monty Python and the Holy Wank
8:19:17 PM whytheam: Done
8:19:19 PM ImagineBGP: done, I think
8:19:24 PM whytheam: i did it
8:19:26 PM Diskgrinder: ok, I'm all wanked out
8:19:28 PM poolnoodl: Wank of Brian
8:19:35 PM consumatron: the wankers club
8:20:03 PM whytheam: W for Wankdetta
8:20:06 PM poolnoodl: done
8:20:07 PM consumatron: i got the wank up
8:20:09 PM Jsar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1B2GRz09hg&feature=related
8:20:17 PM poolnoodl: The Elephant Wank
8:20:40 PM transiit: jsar: think I found it: http://olenepal.org/activities_download.html
8:20:40 PM consumatron: wank at work
8:20:46 PM transiit: Twin Wanks: Fire Walk With Me
8:20:51 PM poolnoodl: The Manchurian Wank
8:21:14 PM consumatron: boys don't wank
8:21:26 PM poolnoodl: Ben-Wank
8:21:33 PM poolnoodl: Wank-Hur
8:21:44 PM consumatron: done
8:21:46 PM transiit: and, I'm done.
8:21:47 PM poolnoodl: It Happened One Wank
8:21:53 PM Diskgrinder: done
8:21:57 PM poolnoodl: oh well
8:22:12 PM whytheam: Horton hears a wank
8:22:17 PM ImagineBGP: it gets hard after all the oscar winning films have been done
8:22:29 PM ImagineBGP: see, we're getting into kids films
8:22:39 PM poolnoodl: nope
8:22:40 PM ImagineBGP: desperation
8:22:40 PM Diskgrinder: very good allof you, I haven't laughed this much since the last time
8:22:41 PM poolnoodl: http://imdb.com/chart/bottom
8:23:09 PM ImagineBGP: that makes it too easy
8:23:48 PM consumatron: wank of glass
8:31:57 PM poolnoodl: Wank Almighty
8:32:06 PM poolnoodl: Ave Ventura: Wank Detective
9:05:29 PM transiit: I don't know how we got started, but a game was played where we inserted the word "wank" into movie titles.
9:05:48 PM transiit: Such as "A Wank of Their Own"
9:05:55 PM transiit: Exactly.
9:06:05 PM cuphate: sisterhood the travelling wanks
9:06:21 PM transiit: I don't think I've seen one of these chats ever been that active. We were getting several a second.
9:06:28 PM cuphate: or actually, sisterhood of the wank pants is better.
9:06:40 PM cuphate: people love wanks.
10:23:57 PM sunnybunny (): Lick the bacon whore?
10:24:02 PM sunnybunny (): How did you know what I had for dinner?
10:24:16 PM transiit: it is our way
10:24:40 PM sunnybunny (): I don't know if I'll easily agree with the whore part, unless it's "bacon whore" then okay
10:25:15 PM sunnybunny (): Did I miss everyone?
10:25:29 PM transiit: no
10:25:30 PM Jsar: nope, just all the wankers
10:26:26 PM transiit: children of the wank
10:27:00 PM transiit: failing that, children of a lesser wank
7:44:25 PM poolnoodl: wank?
7:44:30 PM ImagineBGP: WANK
7:44:40 PM Diskgrinder: waaaaannnnnnnkkkkk
7:44:50 PM Pilot: O_O
7:44:53 PM Pilot: right then
7:44:56 PM poolnoodl: fine, i'll have a wank.
7:45:08 PM Diskgrinder: have a tug too
7:45:13 PM Pilot: last one to the energizer room 's wanker
7:45:41 PM ImagineBGP: btw, there is a kid in the room. Just sayin. Do as you will.
7:46:11 PM Diskgrinder: I'm a wanker anyway, does that mean I can dawdle to the energy room?
7:46:15 PM ImagineBGP: I doubt we've shocked him yet though =8-)
7:46:16 PM poolnoodl: i'm sure he's had a wank before.
7:46:54 PM Diskgrinder: I'm good at wanking, I have a DVD out - wanks for the memory, available on iTunes
7:47:28 PM ImagineBGP: I liked you as an eyeball better.
7:47:47 PM Pilot: i hear "the good, the bad, and the wanker" was good also
7:47:56 PM ImagineBGP: I saw that movie!
7:48:33 PM Pilot: although if i see westerns i prefer comedy westerns, like "Blazing Wankers"
7:48:38 PM ImagineBGP: VP, can you think of the perfect comment to get this thing uplifted a bit?
7:48:53 PM vp: I'm sorry. I'm not paying attention.
7:48:56 PM vp: dragging/dropping.
7:48:58 PM transiit: imagine: a wank too far?
7:49:20 PM Diskgrinder: My fasvourite film is "Hidden dragon croching wank"
7:49:27 PM Jecka: and I return, slightly cleaner than before
7:49:32 PM Pilot: subtitles ftw
7:49:35 PM ImagineBGP: thinking about how to formulate an answer
7:49:41 PM vp: hidden dragon crotching wank.
7:49:57 PM Diskgrinder: One wanked over the cuckoo's nest
7:50:02 PM Pilot: the book was better
7:50:05 PM ImagineBGP: gone with the wank?
7:50:06 PM transiit: wank in sixty seconds
7:50:17 PM Diskgrinder: LOL LOL LOL
7:50:18 PM transiit: wankers of the carribbean?
7:50:18 PM ImagineBGP: bridge over the river wank
7:50:23 PM transiit: citizen wank
7:50:27 PM transiit: dr strangewank
7:50:27 PM Pilot: Wankin' in the rain? or was it Singin' in the Wank?
7:50:32 PM Diskgrinder: LOLity LOL
7:50:36 PM ImagineBGP: transliit! best
7:50:39 PM transiit: full metal wank
7:50:44 PM poolnoodl: Willa Wanka
7:50:45 PM Pilot: ah kubrick
7:50:48 PM Jecka: four wankers and a funeral
7:50:49 PM poolnoodl: Willy Wanka
7:50:55 PM whytheam: the ice cream was awesome
7:50:57 PM ImagineBGP: jecka!
7:50:58 PM transiit: the wizard of wank
7:51:02 PM Jecka: hi!
7:51:02 PM Pilot: 2001: A Wank Oddessy
7:51:04 PM wecontact: The Search for the Holy Wank?
7:51:07 PM ImagineBGP: wished I had icecream
7:51:10 PM Diskgrinder: A wank too far
7:51:13 PM Pilot: (spelling FTL)
7:51:15 PM transiit: the wanking fields
7:51:15 PM poolnoodl: Harry Wanker and the Chamber of Secrets.
7:51:28 PM transiit: an officer and a wank
7:51:31 PM transiit: on wanking pond
7:51:34 PM Jecka: The Wank Horror Picture Show
7:51:36 PM Pilot: wankspotting
7:51:37 PM ImagineBGP: a wank and a gentleman
7:51:37 PM Diskgrinder: The wank supremacy
7:51:40 PM Jecka: Office Wank
7:51:42 PM consumatron: wankenstein
7:51:46 PM Diskgrinder: The wank ultmatum
7:51:47 PM transiit: young wankenstein
7:51:48 PM Pilot: young wankenstein
7:51:50 PM Jecka: or, Wank Space
7:51:50 PM Pilot: ah
7:51:55 PM transiit: blazing wankers
7:52:06 PM ImagineBGP: 2001 a Wank Oddesy
7:52:06 PM Jecka: The Wank Element
7:52:07 PM transiit: history of the wank, volume one
7:52:09 PM Pilot: that one was up there already transiit ;)
7:52:17 PM Pilot: wankballs ?
7:52:17 PM wecontact: Wank Wars?
7:52:23 PM wecontact: was that one done?
7:52:25 PM Pilot: The Wankers?
7:52:25 PM poolnoodl: Wankmando?
7:52:26 PM transiit: the wank strikes back
7:52:30 PM transiit: return of the wank
7:52:33 PM transiit: the phantom wank
7:52:36 PM Pilot: A New Wank
7:52:36 PM transiit: attack of the wankers
7:52:38 PM poolnoodl: Grand Theft Wank?
7:52:41 PM ImagineBGP: Return of the Pink Wank
7:52:43 PM transiit: joe vs the wank
7:52:43 PM consumatron: wank: first blood
7:52:43 PM Pilot: IV
7:52:43 PM ImagineBGP: ewwww
7:52:45 PM Diskgrinder: A wanker and a gentleman
7:52:50 PM wecontact: done already
7:52:51 PM Jecka: King Wank
7:52:51 PM vp: heehee.
7:52:56 PM poolnoodl: The Wankfather
7:53:02 PM transiit: wankface
7:53:05 PM transiit: good wankers
7:53:06 PM wecontact: Mickey Blue Wank
7:53:06 PM poolnoodl: Wank Wars
7:53:06 PM Jecka: Father of the Wank
7:53:08 PM Pilot: The Wankfather Pts II & II
7:53:10 PM Pilot: III
7:53:10 PM Jecka: Face-Wank
7:53:11 PM whytheam: >:-o You don't make any sense!
7:53:14 PM ImagineBGP: Wanker Wanker Wanker (tora tora tora)
7:53:14 PM Diskgrinder: Good will wanking
7:53:15 PM Jecka: or
7:53:17 PM Jecka: Wank-Off
7:53:23 PM wecontact: Wankplane
7:53:23 PM transiit: good wank hunting
7:53:31 PM wecontact: A Beautiful Wank
7:53:35 PM transiit: wank of the damned
7:53:37 PM Jsar: Wankvita
7:53:37 PM poolnoodl: Das Wank?
7:53:38 PM wecontact: hahah
7:53:42 PM Jecka: The Secret Wank
7:53:44 PM consumatron: wanks on a plane
7:53:45 PM poolnoodl: Night of the Living Wank
7:53:49 PM Diskgrinder: ha ha ha LOL LOL LOL
7:53:49 PM Jecka: or
7:53:49 PM Pilot: La Dolce Wank
7:53:51 PM Jecka: The Wank Garden
7:53:53 PM wecontact: hurrrray ctron
7:53:57 PM transiit: secrets of a wanker
7:54:00 PM Pilot: The Bicycle Wank
7:54:00 PM Diskgrinder: The English Wanker
7:54:03 PM wecontact: this is wonderfully inane
7:54:08 PM ImagineBGP: redundant
7:54:09 PM transiit: Wankers: A love story
7:54:10 PM Jecka: The Little Wanker
7:54:10 PM Jsar: *clapping*
7:54:17 PM Jecka: Beauty and the Wank
7:54:20 PM transiit: The Evil Wank
7:54:21 PM poolnoodl: The Wank with Ze Frank?
7:54:24 PM Pilot: Wankerella
7:54:25 PM transiit: Army of Wankers
7:54:25 PM Jecka: ha!
7:54:30 PM wecontact: Snow Wank
7:54:33 PM Jecka: Wankzilla
7:54:40 PM Jecka: Snow White and the Seven Wanks
7:54:41 PM Pilot: Cloverwank
7:54:43 PM transiit: Three wankers and a baby
7:54:46 PM Jsar: Wanktatouille
7:54:50 PM wecontact: I Am Wank
7:54:51 PM Diskgrinder: I am laughing my ass off
7:54:54 PM Jecka: Wankville
7:54:56 PM Pilot: 3 weddings and a wank
7:55:00 PM transiit: Falling Wank
7:55:00 PM ImagineBGP: done already
7:55:02 PM poolnoodl: The Sound of Wank
7:55:03 PM Diskgrinder: LOL
7:55:03 PM Pilot: Finding Wank
7:55:06 PM wecontact: Look Who's Wanking Now
7:55:06 PM Jecka: Matt, I did that, and you did it wrong
7:55:16 PM Jecka: it's 4 Weddings and a Funeral, not 3
7:55:17 PM Jecka: :P
7:55:18 PM Pilot: 3 wanks and a funeral?
7:55:23 PM Pilot: whatever
7:55:26 PM Jecka: fail.
7:55:28 PM Diskgrinder: Casawanka
7:55:29 PM Jecka: ;)
7:55:29 PM transiit: wankass
7:55:30 PM Pilot: i never saw it anyhow
7:55:34 PM Jecka: nor have I
7:55:35 PM poolnoodl: Wankenstein
7:55:41 PM ImagineBGP: done already
7:55:41 PM transiit: I am wanker
7:55:43 PM Jsar: Wankula
7:55:47 PM Pilot: Omega Wanker
7:55:47 PM consumatron: wanking arizona
7:55:51 PM whytheam: You make me so angry!
7:55:54 PM Pilot: Wank
7:55:55 PM ImagineBGP: ctron good one
7:55:55 PM transiit: There will be wanking
7:55:56 PM Jecka: Pan's Wank
7:56:01 PM wecontact: Eight-legged Wanks
7:56:09 PM ImagineBGP: transiit yer killing me
7:56:11 PM Diskgrinder: No country for old wankers
7:56:11 PM Pilot: Resident Wank
7:56:11 PM ImagineBGP: lol lol
7:56:15 PM poolnoodl: WankerCop.
7:56:15 PM wecontact: hahahahaha
7:56:21 PM Pilot: There Will Be Wank?
7:56:24 PM transiit: RoboWank
7:56:25 PM Jsar: The Wanker's Guide to the Galaxy
7:56:26 PM Jecka: I like RoboWank better, noodl
7:56:29 PM poolnoodl: Dude, Where's My Wank?
7:56:29 PM wecontact: Boondock Wankers
7:56:29 PM Jecka: hah,
7:56:36 PM Jecka: lol, noodl
7:56:36 PM consumatron: wank hard
7:56:38 PM transiit: Wank Club
7:56:38 PM ImagineBGP: noodl good one
7:56:41 PM Pilot: Harold and Kumar go to Wank
7:56:50 PM poolnoodl: Wank Castle
7:56:54 PM Jsar: rofl
7:56:54 PM Jecka: Schindler's Wank
7:56:57 PM Diskgrinder: wank hard!!!!!!!! priceless!
7:57:03 PM Pilot: Wank Park
7:57:03 PM Pilot: Jurassic Wank
7:57:05 PM whytheam: Wank plane?
7:57:12 PM ImagineBGP: Wank on a plane
7:57:12 PM Jecka: done already
7:57:13 PM Pilot: Wankplane 2
7:57:19 PM whytheam: damn
7:57:20 PM Jecka: done already, susan
7:57:20 PM Diskgrinder: Wanks on a plane
7:57:25 PM ImagineBGP: bah
7:57:27 PM Jsar: Mr. Smith Goes to Wank-town
7:57:27 PM transiit: wankiocracy
7:57:30 PM Jecka: same to you, diskgrinder
7:57:33 PM transiit: It's a wonderful wank
7:57:35 PM Pilot: Get these motherfucking wanks, of this motherfucking plane!
7:57:35 PM Jecka: Mr. and Mrs. Wank
7:57:35 PM ImagineBGP: dg thats thrice
7:57:39 PM whytheam: Star Trek Wank
7:57:44 PM transiit: Wank Trek
7:57:48 PM Pilot: Wank Trek II
7:57:51 PM Pilot: The wrath of Wank
7:57:53 PM ImagineBGP: Just Star Wank
7:57:59 PM Jecka: Nancy Wank
7:58:03 PM Jsar: Wnak the Line
7:58:03 PM Diskgrinder: Satr wars: the wankers strike back
7:58:04 PM whytheam: Tom Wanks
7:58:04 PM Pilot: The Hardy Wanks
7:58:05 PM consumatron: wankcoach
7:58:10 PM Jecka: Little Wankers
7:58:13 PM transiit: fellowship of the wank
7:58:17 PM Jecka: Wank Machine
7:58:17 PM transiit: the two wanks
7:58:19 PM wecontact: Heavywanks
7:58:20 PM consumatron: the man who wanked liberty valence
7:58:25 PM transiit: the man with two wanks
7:58:26 PM poolnoodl: The Wanks of Rath
7:58:30 PM Diskgrinder: The little wankers on the prairie
7:58:32 PM Pilot: The Sorcerers Wank
7:58:34 PM ImagineBGP: ctron. excellent
7:58:34 PM Jecka: Superwank
7:58:38 PM Diskgrinder: Lord of the wanks
7:58:41 PM transiit: W for Wanketta
7:58:42 PM wecontact: Wank Girl
7:58:46 PM Jecka: hah!
7:58:47 PM Pilot: W
7:58:57 PM transiit: Hellwank
7:58:57 PM Jecka: Wank-Men
7:58:58 PM Jecka: or
7:58:59 PM transiit: Wanking begins
7:59:00 PM Jecka: X-Wank
7:59:03 PM Pilot: The Fantastic Wank
7:59:10 PM Pilot: Day of the Wankers
7:59:11 PM consumatron: horton wanks a who
7:59:16 PM Jecka: Brokeback Wankers
7:59:16 PM poolnoodl: lol
7:59:16 PM Diskgrinder: Citizen Wank
7:59:18 PM ImagineBGP: good again ctron
7:59:19 PM Pilot: Wanks
7:59:20 PM transiit: 28 wanks later
7:59:27 PM Jsar: Wanking Nemo
7:59:30 PM poolnoodl: The Wank in the Hat
7:59:34 PM Jecka: aaah, jsar
7:59:34 PM Diskgrinder: I'm dying
7:59:38 PM Pilot: Toy Wank I & II
7:59:38 PM whytheam: wank - e
7:59:38 PM transiit: wanking zoe
7:59:41 PM transiit: the ninth wank
7:59:41 PM consumatron: transiit: :-d
7:59:43 PM ImagineBGP: jsar - good
7:59:46 PM Jecka: Saving Private Wanker
7:59:48 PM Pilot: The 5th Wank
7:59:48 PM Diskgrinder: Wankers, inc
7:59:54 PM Jecka: 60 Wankers
7:59:56 PM whytheam: the wank men
7:59:59 PM transiit: minority wank
8:00:02 PM transiit: kentucky fried wank
8:00:03 PM consumatron: nowhere to wank
8:00:04 PM transiit: wank thing
8:00:04 PM Pilot: Wank in Black
8:00:07 PM poolnoodl: 12 Angry Wankers
8:00:07 PM transiit: surf wanks must die
8:00:08 PM Diskgrinder: Star Wanks
8:00:12 PM whytheam: wank hour
8:00:14 PM Jecka: Sidewank
8:00:14 PM ImagineBGP: noodl!
8:00:17 PM poolnoodl: THX-Wank
8:00:26 PM whytheam: pixwank
8:00:38 PM transiit: wankbusters
8:00:43 PM transiit: wank bandits
8:00:45 PM Pilot: King of Wank: A Fist Full of Wanks
8:00:45 PM whytheam: wankweek
8:00:49 PM poolnoodl: Who Wanked Roger Rabbit
8:00:55 PM Jecka: Final Fantasy: Wanker Children
8:00:55 PM Pilot: good one
8:00:56 PM Diskgrinder: The Big Wank
8:01:00 PM consumatron: school of wank
8:01:05 PM Pilot: Mary Wankens
8:01:09 PM transiit: grosse pointe wank
8:01:11 PM vp: you guys are awesome.
8:01:14 PM Jsar: Big Wanking in Little China
8:01:18 PM poolnoodl: lol
8:01:20 PM Pilot: :D
8:01:24 PM Jecka: Wanky Darko
8:01:29 PM Pilot: Wanktown
8:01:34 PM consumatron: wank hur
8:01:41 PM Diskgrinder: Once upon a wank in america
8:01:41 PM Jecka: haha, consumatron
8:01:47 PM Pilot: Wankie Hall
8:01:48 PM transiit: The Wank
8:01:50 PM Jecka: White Men Can't Wank
8:01:52 PM transiit: The Wank Reloaded
8:01:55 PM transiit: The Wank Revolutions
8:01:56 PM poolnoodl: Saturday Wank Fever
8:01:57 PM consumatron: jecka: hahah
8:01:58 PM ImagineBGP: jess!
8:02:00 PM Pilot: Dirty Wanking
8:02:07 PM Jecka: *bows*
8:02:09 PM whytheam: Wank Hour ||
8:02:20 PM transiit: The Wanking Movie
8:02:20 PM consumatron: wanking for bobby fisher
8:02:22 PM Pilot: The Lethal Wank
8:02:25 PM Diskgrinder: Whoever did "white me can't wank" is a genius
8:02:25 PM Jecka: My Best Friend's Wanker
8:02:25 PM Pilot: Wankface
8:02:26 PM transiit: The Great Wanking Caper
8:02:26 PM poolnoodl: The Wankinator
8:02:29 PM transiit: Wanking Takes Manhatten
8:02:34 PM Jecka: thanks, diskgrinder :)
8:02:39 PM transiit: Wanking Treasure Island
8:02:43 PM transiit: Wanking in Space
8:02:50 PM poolnoodl: Do the Wank Thing
8:02:52 PM ImagineBGP: Mutiny on the Wanker
8:02:55 PM Diskgrinder: Wankeratu
8:03:00 PM Jecka: Wanking Zivago (spelling?)
8:03:03 PM ImagineBGP: wanker on the bounty
8:03:05 PM poolnoodl: She's Gotta Wank It
8:03:07 PM transiit: (zhivago)
8:03:10 PM Jsar: Wanklien: In Space, no one can hear you wank.
8:03:14 PM whytheam: WankHF
8:03:18 PM consumatron: noodl :)
8:03:21 PM ImagineBGP: jsar - lol
8:03:22 PM transiit: Wank Up 2: Back on the streets
8:03:30 PM Pilot: 2001: A Wank Odyssey
8:03:33 PM Diskgrinder: Dirty wanking
8:03:37 PM poolnoodl: Wankle Fever
8:03:38 PM Jecka: When Harry Wanked Sally
8:03:43 PM ImagineBGP: we are repeating alot now.
8:03:50 PM whytheam: Marie Wankings
8:03:50 PM consumatron: wanked in america
8:03:50 PM Pilot: Wanking in Seattle
8:03:53 PM ImagineBGP: but jess, that was perfect
8:04:00 PM Jecka: hah, thanks
8:04:02 PM whytheam: Super Wank me
8:04:07 PM poolnoodl: Wank/Off
8:04:10 PM transiit: Fast Wank Nation
8:04:11 PM consumatron: wank the dog
8:04:17 PM Diskgrinder: "wanking in seattle" pure!!
8:04:18 PM transiit: Who Killed the Electric Wank?
8:04:18 PM Jecka: Wankerfield
8:04:19 PM ImagineBGP: ctron
8:04:26 PM Pilot: Wanko
8:04:26 PM Jsar: ctron
8:04:30 PM poolnoodl: Wankocracy
8:04:36 PM Pilot: Wankenheight 9/11
8:04:44 PM poolnoodl: The Spy Who Wanked Me
8:04:44 PM Pilot: Wank & Me
8:04:45 PM transiit: Bowling for Wank
8:04:47 PM Jecka: whoever did Wank/Off - I did that already
8:04:49 PM ImagineBGP: noodl
8:04:49 PM poolnoodl: Goldwanker
8:04:49 PM consumatron: wanker's crossing
8:04:49 PM Pilot: International Man of Wank
8:04:51 PM whytheam: Wank Bulers Day Off
8:04:55 PM Diskgrinder: OK, now do obscure art films
8:04:58 PM ImagineBGP: ferris bulers wank off
8:05:03 PM Pilot: From Russia with Wank
8:05:03 PM Jecka: Apt Wanker
8:05:04 PM transiit: City of Lost Wankers
8:05:07 PM Jsar: Run Wanker Run
8:05:09 PM Diskgrinder: Wankerville
8:05:14 PM Pilot: Die Another Wank
8:05:18 PM poolnoodl: Wank Runner
8:05:20 PM Pilot: Wank Royal
8:05:24 PM Jecka: The Wank After Tomorrow
8:05:24 PM Diskgrinder: Wank's Labyrinth
8:05:26 PM transiit: North By Northwank
8:05:27 PM whytheam: Wank Wank Wank
8:05:28 PM Pilot: Wank Runner: The Final Cut
8:05:28 PM ImagineBGP: Royal Wank
8:05:30 PM Pilot: Final Wnak*
8:05:31 PM consumatron: sweet wank
8:05:32 PM Jecka: done, diskgrinder
8:05:35 PM poolnoodl: The Royal Wankenbaums
8:05:37 PM Jsar: Last Wank in Paris
8:05:38 PM whytheam: Wankolat
8:05:41 PM Pilot: The Darjeeling Wank
8:05:42 PM transiit: 40 year old wank
8:05:49 PM poolnoodl: 8 Year Wank
8:05:51 PM ImagineBGP: he he he transiit
8:05:52 PM Pilot: Wank Zissu
8:05:53 PM Jecka: Wank the Universe
8:05:56 PM Diskgrinder: The royal wankenbaums!!!! gold!
8:05:58 PM Pilot: Wanked Up
8:06:18 PM Pilot: 39 Wanks
8:06:24 PM poolnoodl: Wank to the Future
8:06:28 PM Diskgrinder: The magnificent wankers
8:06:30 PM whytheam: Popeye The wanker man
8:06:36 PM ImagineBGP: and all these grown upw will go to work and act all professional tomorrow. Excellent
8:06:38 PM Pilot: North by Northwank
8:06:47 PM Pilot: isn't it great?
8:06:51 PM ImagineBGP: nice one DG
8:06:56 PM Jecka: Wedding Wankers
8:06:58 PM consumatron: wank of the sierra madre
8:06:59 PM Diskgrinder: Having top fun
8:07:00 PM ImagineBGP: it is great
8:07:03 PM consumatron: the big wank
8:07:06 PM Pilot: His Girl Wank
8:07:14 PM Jecka: Transwankers
8:07:20 PM Pilot: done
8:07:20 PM Jecka: ;)
8:07:21 PM Pilot: :P
8:07:22 PM whytheam: Orange County Wank
8:07:22 PM Jsar: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Wank
8:07:27 PM ImagineBGP: excellent jecka
8:07:30 PM poolnoodl: The Brave Little Wanker
8:07:30 PM Pilot: Wank Race
8:07:32 PM whytheam: Wank Race
8:07:36 PM Jecka: haha
8:07:39 PM transiit: wank city
8:07:42 PM ImagineBGP: the little wanker that could
8:07:43 PM Diskgrinder: OK, can we stop soon, because I am seriously having an aneurysm
8:07:44 PM Jsar: 10 Little Wankers
8:07:48 PM consumatron: a wank called wanda
8:07:50 PM Jecka: lol
8:07:54 PM Jecka: haha, ctron
8:07:55 PM Pilot: Escape from WanK
8:07:55 PM transiit: Escape from New Wank
8:08:09 PM Pilot: Escape from Los Wank
8:08:12 PM Diskgrinder: Dr. Wank
8:08:14 PM poolnoodl: The Shawwank Redemption
8:08:16 PM transiit: requiem for a wank
8:08:16 PM Diskgrinder: Goldenwank
8:08:19 PM consumatron: noodl
8:08:22 PM poolnoodl: Wank Fiction
8:08:25 PM Pilot: Silence of the Wanks
8:08:25 PM Jecka: Wank Side Story
8:08:32 PM transiit: I, Wanker
8:08:34 PM poolnoodl: Rear Wanker
8:08:34 PM Diskgrinder: Resevoir wankers
8:08:38 PM Jecka: Wank Runnings
8:08:42 PM ImagineBGP: transiit
8:08:47 PM Diskgrinder: Wank Bill II
8:08:52 PM Pilot: Jackie Wank
8:08:54 PM consumatron: how stella got her wank back
8:08:54 PM poolnoodl: is it good to have your name typed or not?
8:08:56 PM ImagineBGP: DG well done
8:09:03 PM Jecka: Brady Wank: The Movie
8:09:17 PM poolnoodl: No Country for Old Wanks
8:09:17 PM ImagineBGP: good!
8:09:18 PM transiit: Grindhouse Present: Planet Wanker w/ Wank Proof
8:09:22 PM ImagineBGP: it is praise!
8:09:27 PM Pilot: The Four Wanks
8:09:35 PM Jecka: Wanking with Scissors
8:09:35 PM poolnoodl: A Clockwank Orange
8:09:37 PM whytheam: wank men 2
8:09:40 PM transiit: Save the Last Wank
8:09:41 PM Pilot: Edward Wanker Hands
8:09:52 PM poolnoodl: Eternal Sunshine of the Wankless Mind
8:09:54 PM Jecka: Hairwank
8:09:56 PM Jsar: What's wanking gilbert grape?
8:09:56 PM Diskgrinder: I want it to stop but you guys keep on making it funnier - I am hurting from laughing
8:10:00 PM consumatron: jsar
8:10:01 PM Pilot: The Grapes of Wank
8:10:03 PM transiit: American History Wank
8:10:03 PM Jecka: haha, jsar
8:10:06 PM whytheam: Pirates of the wankerbien
8:10:10 PM transiit: Kung Fu Wankers
8:10:14 PM Jecka: done, wta
8:10:17 PM poolnoodl: Wanking Private Ryan
8:10:20 PM ImagineBGP: who wanked roger rabbit
8:10:21 PM Jecka: done, noodl
8:10:24 PM Pilot: Thin Red Wank
8:10:25 PM Jecka: done, susan
8:10:26 PM Jecka: lol
8:10:29 PM Pilot: Fog of Wank
8:10:30 PM poolnoodl: Requiem for a Wank?
8:10:34 PM Diskgrinder: LOL LOL LOL
8:10:39 PM Jecka: The Hunt for Red Wanktober
8:10:45 PM Pilot: Wanktober Sky
8:10:46 PM whytheam: Monty Python and the holy wank
8:10:50 PM transiit: Eternal Sunshine of the Wankless Mind
8:10:51 PM poolnoodl: The Wanktese Falcon?
8:10:56 PM Jecka: done, transiit
8:11:00 PM Pilot: Me, Myself, and Wank
8:11:02 PM Diskgrinder: Wankopalypse
8:11:04 PM Jecka: 101 Wankers
8:11:04 PM ImagineBGP: the kite wanker
8:11:07 PM Pilot: The Jungle Wank
8:11:07 PM poolnoodl: Wanking in the Rain?
8:11:12 PM Pilot: done pool
8:11:19 PM transiit: Wank of the Dead
8:11:21 PM Jecka: Gone with the Wank
8:11:21 PM poolnoodl: 2001: A Wanking Odyssey
8:11:23 PM whytheam: The Wanker Show
8:11:23 PM consumatron: wankablanca
8:11:23 PM Pilot: could also be Singing in the Wank ;)
8:11:23 PM transiit: Mallwanks
8:11:26 PM Pilot: also done, thrice
8:11:28 PM Jecka: done, ctron
8:11:31 PM ImagineBGP: we repeat
8:11:35 PM Pilot: :P
8:11:35 PM transiit: Hot Wanks
8:11:40 PM Pilot: we're running out of movies
8:11:40 PM Pilot: Wank!
8:11:42 PM poolnoodl: we'll filter out the dupes late
8:11:47 PM ImagineBGP: r
8:11:51 PM Diskgrinder: the unbearable lightness of wanking
8:11:51 PM poolnoodl: On the Wankfront?
8:11:56 PM poolnoodl: Full Metal Wank?
8:11:56 PM ImagineBGP: good one
8:11:57 PM Pilot: The Third Wank
8:11:59 PM consumatron: wank: the last dinosaur
8:12:01 PM whytheam: The Wank house
8:12:07 PM poolnoodl: Wankheart?
8:12:09 PM Pilot: A Touch of Wank
8:12:10 PM transiit: Chasing Wanky
8:12:23 PM poolnoodl: Wank Bill: Vol 1
8:12:23 PM transiit: Sky Captain and the World of Wank
8:12:26 PM Pilot: Wank Me if You Can
8:12:26 PM Diskgrinder: texas chainsaw wanking
8:12:30 PM consumatron: pilot!
8:12:30 PM Jsar: pilot
8:12:33 PM ImagineBGP: DG!
8:12:38 PM transiit: I spit on your wank
8:12:40 PM poolnoodl: The Deer Wanker
8:12:42 PM Diskgrinder: IMAGINE
8:12:42 PM consumatron: transiit
8:12:48 PM poolnoodl: The Sixth Wank
8:12:50 PM Pilot:
8:12:53 PM searleb: I've got to take off
8:12:54 PM searleb: bye!
8:12:57 PM transiit: later, searleb
8:12:58 PM ImagineBGP: saying I liked the texas chainsaw . . .
8:12:59 PM whytheam:
8:13:00 PM Jecka: adios
8:13:06 PM poolnoodl: Wanks for coming
8:13:08 PM consumatron: wank of re-animator
8:13:12 PM Pilot: The Three Wankers
8:13:14 PM Jecka: actually guys, I have to go too
8:13:16 PM wecontact: noodl, that was bad
8:13:16 PM Diskgrinder: wank you very much
8:13:16 PM poolnoodl: The Princess Wank
8:13:23 PM Jsar: Defending your wank
8:13:26 PM consumatron: bye jecka
8:13:27 PM transiit: The Wanking Gun
8:13:29 PM transiit: later jecka
8:13:31 PM Jecka: I'm leaving for Niagara Falls in, oh, 5 hours and 45 minutes
8:13:35 PM Jecka: wee!
8:13:38 PM Jsar: bye jecka
8:13:38 PM poolnoodl: Groundwank Day
8:13:38 PM Jecka: drunken fun!
8:13:40 PM Pilot: bye jess
8:13:47 PM Jecka: g'nite, everyone
8:13:47 PM ImagineBGP: slowly I turned, inch by inch
8:13:49 PM poolnoodl: byez
8:13:49 PM whytheam: A Cinderella wanky
8:13:55 PM ImagineBGP: night
8:13:55 PM Diskgrinder: cheers ee vee bod eee
8:14:02 PM transiit: Children of Wankers
8:14:02 PM consumatron: meet the wankers
8:14:18 PM poolnoodl: 3:10 to Wank
8:14:20 PM Pilot: Sunset Wank
8:14:28 PM ImagineBGP: Ocean's Wankers
8:14:29 PM Pilot: The Phantom of the Wank
8:14:37 PM Pilot: good one susan
8:14:41 PM poolnoodl: A Streetcar Named Wank
8:14:41 PM ImagineBGP: Return of the Wanker
8:14:42 PM Pilot: The Glass Wank
8:14:49 PM whytheam: When Harry met wanky
8:14:52 PM ImagineBGP: wait I repeat
8:14:57 PM consumatron: the last wank
8:15:00 PM ImagineBGP: you repeat too
8:15:00 PM poolnoodl: Schlinder's Wank
8:15:04 PM Diskgrinder: Brokeback wanker
8:15:04 PM Pilot: or, The Wank Menagerie
8:15:14 PM poolnoodl: Casawanka
8:15:16 PM ImagineBGP: done
8:15:28 PM whytheam: Wankman
8:15:30 PM poolnoodl: The Usual Wankspects?
8:15:37 PM ImagineBGP: it gets harder as all the movies ever made get, well, wanked
8:15:40 PM poolnoodl: Raiders of the Lost Wank?
8:15:49 PM ImagineBGP: good one noodl
8:15:50 PM Pilot: fuck, i'll brb
8:15:54 PM Pilot: this was good :D
8:16:03 PM ImagineBGP: bye pilot
8:16:04 PM consumatron: wank 'em high
8:16:04 PM poolnoodl: Goodwankas!
8:16:05 PM whytheam: I still don't get what were doing
8:16:06 PM Diskgrinder: happy happy joy joy
8:16:15 PM Pilot: happy happy wank wank
8:16:18 PM poolnoodl: Movie Title Wankification.
8:16:20 PM Pilot: wankburger
8:16:25 PM ImagineBGP: remaking movies to use the word wank in the title
8:16:25 PM whytheam: Ren & Wanky
8:16:29 PM Jsar: who saw Be Kind Rewind and knows waht a sweded movie is?
8:16:29 PM ImagineBGP: there you go
8:16:40 PM consumatron: jsar: mememe
8:16:40 PM Diskgrinder: wank and stimpy
8:16:40 PM Pilot: Be Kind, ReWank
8:16:55 PM poolnoodl: The Wankrix?
8:16:55 PM whytheam: OH i did
8:17:03 PM Diskgrinder: night of the wanking dead
8:17:10 PM ImagineBGP: likeing that
8:17:16 PM ImagineBGP: odd image though
8:17:16 PM consumatron: never wank down
8:17:21 PM poolnoodl: It's a Wonderful Wank
8:17:26 PM Diskgrinder: the wank witch project
8:17:29 PM ImagineBGP: noodl!
8:17:32 PM consumatron: the incredible wank
8:17:32 PM Jsar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHHPyTf7gcY
8:17:41 PM transiit: son of wank
8:17:58 PM poolnoodl: Lawrence of Wankia
8:18:01 PM whytheam: It's wanking ... I mean raining
8:18:04 PM Diskgrinder: wank's labyrinth
8:18:12 PM poolnoodl: Wankalypse Now
8:18:19 PM Diskgrinder: it's wanking men
8:18:26 PM whytheam: Wankman and Robin
8:18:39 PM poolnoodl: American History Wank
8:18:49 PM whytheam: Austin Wankers
8:19:11 PM poolnoodl: Monty Python and the Holy Wank
8:19:17 PM whytheam: Done
8:19:19 PM ImagineBGP: done, I think
8:19:24 PM whytheam: i did it
8:19:26 PM Diskgrinder: ok, I'm all wanked out
8:19:28 PM poolnoodl: Wank of Brian
8:19:35 PM consumatron: the wankers club
8:20:03 PM whytheam: W for Wankdetta
8:20:06 PM poolnoodl: done
8:20:07 PM consumatron: i got the wank up
8:20:09 PM Jsar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1B2GRz09hg&feature=related
8:20:17 PM poolnoodl: The Elephant Wank
8:20:40 PM transiit: jsar: think I found it: http://olenepal.org/activities_download.html
8:20:40 PM consumatron: wank at work
8:20:46 PM transiit: Twin Wanks: Fire Walk With Me
8:20:51 PM poolnoodl: The Manchurian Wank
8:21:14 PM consumatron: boys don't wank
8:21:26 PM poolnoodl: Ben-Wank
8:21:33 PM poolnoodl: Wank-Hur
8:21:44 PM consumatron: done
8:21:46 PM transiit: and, I'm done.
8:21:47 PM poolnoodl: It Happened One Wank
8:21:53 PM Diskgrinder: done
8:21:57 PM poolnoodl: oh well
8:22:12 PM whytheam: Horton hears a wank
8:22:17 PM ImagineBGP: it gets hard after all the oscar winning films have been done
8:22:29 PM ImagineBGP: see, we're getting into kids films
8:22:39 PM poolnoodl: nope
8:22:40 PM ImagineBGP: desperation
8:22:40 PM Diskgrinder: very good allof you, I haven't laughed this much since the last time
8:22:41 PM poolnoodl: http://imdb.com/chart/bottom
8:23:09 PM ImagineBGP: that makes it too easy
8:23:48 PM consumatron: wank of glass
8:31:57 PM poolnoodl: Wank Almighty
8:32:06 PM poolnoodl: Ave Ventura: Wank Detective
9:05:29 PM transiit: I don't know how we got started, but a game was played where we inserted the word "wank" into movie titles.
9:05:48 PM transiit: Such as "A Wank of Their Own"
9:05:55 PM transiit: Exactly.
9:06:05 PM cuphate: sisterhood the travelling wanks
9:06:21 PM transiit: I don't think I've seen one of these chats ever been that active. We were getting several a second.
9:06:28 PM cuphate: or actually, sisterhood of the wank pants is better.
9:06:40 PM cuphate: people love wanks.
10:23:57 PM sunnybunny (): Lick the bacon whore?
10:24:02 PM sunnybunny (): How did you know what I had for dinner?
10:24:16 PM transiit: it is our way
10:24:40 PM sunnybunny (): I don't know if I'll easily agree with the whore part, unless it's "bacon whore" then okay
10:25:15 PM sunnybunny (): Did I miss everyone?
10:25:29 PM transiit: no
10:25:30 PM Jsar: nope, just all the wankers
10:26:26 PM transiit: children of the wank
10:27:00 PM transiit: failing that, children of a lesser wank
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Never had much interest in this sort of thing
But got to watch this from a interesting point of view yesterday.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
And in today's news....
More of the same.
Joe Lieberman maintains his relevance by "Stickin' it to the man of partisan politics and playing both sides of the field as long as it makes him seem relevant"
Microsoft still can't innovate
I, for one, support our new coconut-wielding encephalopod masters.
Reality Television still sucks.
Joe Lieberman maintains his relevance by "Stickin' it to the man of partisan politics and playing both sides of the field as long as it makes him seem relevant"
Microsoft still can't innovate
I, for one, support our new coconut-wielding encephalopod masters.
Reality Television still sucks.
Ok, I'll admit that I'm a mutant that eats his Spaghetti-O's straight out of the can (though it's becoming a rarity that I eat 'em anymore), but I'm surprised and a little impressed that Campbell's has decided to change the recipe
I don't know if this is actually market pressure of "we demand healthier food" or "Holy moly, sales are down, find a gimmick!", but it seems like a decent direction to head either way.
I don't know if this is actually market pressure of "we demand healthier food" or "Holy moly, sales are down, find a gimmick!", but it seems like a decent direction to head either way.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
SMBC Theater
I know, I used to write stuff here at some point rather than copy/pasting video after video, but...you're still checking in and I'm still updating in an less-than-inspired way. Thanks for coming back even with my poor blogging performance (the bar's so low and yet I still trip over it)
Hey, ignoring that, are you aware of SMBC theater yet? I think it's funny.
Hey, ignoring that, are you aware of SMBC theater yet? I think it's funny.
No regrets
I feel no shame being a creature of doubt.
Way I see it, it's in the urge to question things that we learn, and through that doubt, we work out a belief in things that we can not detect ourselves.
That is all the faith I have these days. There's plenty of things I don't know, but however I got here, I'd like to believe I can understand a little more. Failing that, I can learn more, certainly.
(there is a difference)
Way I see it, it's in the urge to question things that we learn, and through that doubt, we work out a belief in things that we can not detect ourselves.
That is all the faith I have these days. There's plenty of things I don't know, but however I got here, I'd like to believe I can understand a little more. Failing that, I can learn more, certainly.
(there is a difference)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Another Primer.
Alice Donut this time.
Of course, I discovered Alice Donut during my Alternative Tentacles/Dead Kennedys fandom years, but I still think they were easily one of the best bands to get spun out of the NY scene since the Ramones, Talking Heads, or Sonic Youth. Clearly, not because any of 'em sound alike, but well, platitude, platitude, platitude.
Of course, I discovered Alice Donut during my Alternative Tentacles/Dead Kennedys fandom years, but I still think they were easily one of the best bands to get spun out of the NY scene since the Ramones, Talking Heads, or Sonic Youth. Clearly, not because any of 'em sound alike, but well, platitude, platitude, platitude.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
I say "Piss on your golden calves"
Ok, so I'm sick, I slept all day, and as soon as I finish my soup, will probably be back in bed.
But seriously, slaughter your golden calves.
The feed reader tells me people are really upset that Our Most Holy Frosty The Snowman isn't being treated kindly.
You're kidding, right?
But seriously, slaughter your golden calves.
The feed reader tells me people are really upset that Our Most Holy Frosty The Snowman isn't being treated kindly.
You're kidding, right?
12/9/1999: I remember.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Three years ago I restarted my life. Made big changes. Became someone else.
Six months ago, I started doing that again.
My thanks to all the friends I've found along the way, the people I've met, the new perspectives.
You're awesome, you're brilliant, you're hilarious, you're excellent.
And I don't have to be the person I was yesterday anymore.
Thank you for teaching me that.
Six months ago, I started doing that again.
My thanks to all the friends I've found along the way, the people I've met, the new perspectives.
You're awesome, you're brilliant, you're hilarious, you're excellent.
And I don't have to be the person I was yesterday anymore.
Thank you for teaching me that.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
My Reality Is Better Than Yours.
Exhibit A, Rolling Stones cover of a song written in 1936, "Love in Vain":
Exhibit B, Skinny Puppy, early 90's, "Love in Vein":
Granted, making admonishments about songs nearing their second decade isn't a strong argument, but holy fuck, can we agree that a 40+ year old band could be done already?
(I'm sorry, I'm just bitter because I got into a conversation with a friend this evening that thinks the best song ever written was Kansas: "Dust In The Wind")
Everyone is free to their opinion, but even I need focus on what comes next rather than getting wrapped up in the loop of "But it'll never be as good as..."
Exhibit B, Skinny Puppy, early 90's, "Love in Vein":
Granted, making admonishments about songs nearing their second decade isn't a strong argument, but holy fuck, can we agree that a 40+ year old band could be done already?
(I'm sorry, I'm just bitter because I got into a conversation with a friend this evening that thinks the best song ever written was Kansas: "Dust In The Wind")
Everyone is free to their opinion, but even I need focus on what comes next rather than getting wrapped up in the loop of "But it'll never be as good as..."
Friday, December 04, 2009
You Didn't Need
Ok, I'll stop with the Rollins Band after this, but the words...huh.
And hey, Request Video!
(better audio quality version here)
words, as the video quality isn't so good:
And hey, Request Video!
(better audio quality version here)
words, as the video quality isn't so good:
You turned me in and you burned me out
You pulled me in and you locked me out
You ripped your feelings right across my back
You didn't see that I was bleeding
You looked at me and I saw right through you
You looked away when I spoke right to you
You didn't need...to do that to me
When I touched you, did you feel it?
Did you ever feel anything at all?
Do you ever lie awake at night?
Do you ever think of me?
I've got my arms wrapped around myself
You've got your arms around someone else
I lie to myself.
I tell myself...I'm not down. Down, down, I'm not down.
Some people are better left alone.
Some people are better left alone.
I didn't want it but I got it anyway
I didn't want it and I couldn't get away
I can't deny it...I miss you
Even though it hurts inside
In my dreams, I kiss you...I keep a lie alive
You didn't need...to do that to me
I wrack my brain trying to remember everything I did to you.
I wreck my brain trying to dismember every thought attached to you.
I'm sorry I still feel this pain inside
It shows on my face like a scar, it's something I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide, no!
Some people are better left alone.
Some people are better left alone.
It hurts so much when you've got nothing to say
It hurts so much to have to walk away.
Walk away.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Some of your friends may already be this fucked.
I heartily recommend that if you read this BoingBoing article, you should immediately follow it up with this greatest hit
Considering that my main computer was named "mnemonic" for several years (until it, well, died), I like this place. Somewhere to go for new computer naming schemes.
(via LifeHacker)
(via LifeHacker)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Off the grid
Got personal business to attend to tomorrow. I'll be back soon enough to post random crap I find on youtube.
But to tide you over, this song is currently stuck in my head. Enjoy.
But to tide you over, this song is currently stuck in my head. Enjoy.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I don't have many passions, I guess you could say.
One of the few that I share with people is that amorphously-defined mess called "Industrial Music"
By accident, I informed someone of the existence of Genesis P-Orridge earlier today, and I am now fighting my natural inclination of "Cool, and then there's this, and that, and this, and this other thing, and these people and...."
Instead, I'll just say I find beauty in strange places in this music. Same band, two different pieces, see something in both of them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Einsturzende Neubauten:
One of the few that I share with people is that amorphously-defined mess called "Industrial Music"
By accident, I informed someone of the existence of Genesis P-Orridge earlier today, and I am now fighting my natural inclination of "Cool, and then there's this, and that, and this, and this other thing, and these people and...."
Instead, I'll just say I find beauty in strange places in this music. Same band, two different pieces, see something in both of them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Einsturzende Neubauten:
Happy Thanksgiving
So many things I'm thankful for: friends, family, not having ebola. Too many to list here.
But as an example, let me just say I'm thankful I don't dress like this anymore.

For those celebrating the holiday, may it be a safe one. For those not, happy Thursday.
(also kinda thankful that I'll never have that haircut again. yikes.)
But as an example, let me just say I'm thankful I don't dress like this anymore.

For those celebrating the holiday, may it be a safe one. For those not, happy Thursday.
(also kinda thankful that I'll never have that haircut again. yikes.)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It's that time of year again
This friday, as I have for years, will be participating in "Buy Nothing Day".
It's actually November 27th, but they haven't updated the video "officially" in a while.
It's actually November 27th, but they haven't updated the video "officially" in a while.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Love them bailouts. Seriously, Love (or maybe the hate of a thousand suns. Can't tell yet)
Still hanging onto hope this administration is going to get more shit right, but wow, what a cock-up.
(via BoingBoing via Mitch Kapor)
Still hanging onto hope this administration is going to get more shit right, but wow, what a cock-up.
(via BoingBoing via Mitch Kapor)
The High School-Era Zombie Short I linked to a few months back seems to have...um...taken on a life of its own as people repost it on Facebook. Now if I can only get Mike to post a few of the other ones we made back then...
Side Effect
One of the side effects of dumping a bunch of weight I hadn't accounted for was that I get cold pretty darn easily these days. Meeting up with a friend this afternoon where he pointed out that I was shivering (yes, even in the still somewhat balmy California autumn) got me thinking.
Hey, I don't have that awesome layer of insular fat anymore. If I'm not moving around, I feel cold again rather than being some sort of human furnace.
Hassles aside, I like this. I can dress for the occasion to overcome, you know? Break out the thermals again if I gotta.
Side effects, and yet more evidence.
Hey, I don't have that awesome layer of insular fat anymore. If I'm not moving around, I feel cold again rather than being some sort of human furnace.
Hassles aside, I like this. I can dress for the occasion to overcome, you know? Break out the thermals again if I gotta.
Side effects, and yet more evidence.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's no secret that I spend a little too much time on the internet, and as far as IM goes, I've been trying to find new conversation starters.
However, I think I will retire the following three, they just haven't done well.
"Run for your life!"
"I will destroy you."
"Does this look infected to you?"
Anyone that has other "Bad ways to try to start up conversation" tips, comments appreciated.
Of course, I'm "transiit" just about anywhere, so if you're having a slow night, I'm easy enough to find if you can't shake the boredom. I can totally amplify that for you.
However, I think I will retire the following three, they just haven't done well.
"Run for your life!"
"I will destroy you."
"Does this look infected to you?"
Anyone that has other "Bad ways to try to start up conversation" tips, comments appreciated.
Of course, I'm "transiit" just about anywhere, so if you're having a slow night, I'm easy enough to find if you can't shake the boredom. I can totally amplify that for you.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Social Media
Well, especially the sort of place where you run into people you probably had no reason to stay in contact with, broad generalization, sure, but I offer you this quotation from the reasonably good film, Grosse Pointe Blank
You can disagree, but that's not going to stop me from rewatching it right about now.
Marcella: You know, when you started getting invited to your ten year high school reunion, time is catching up.
Martin Q. Blank: Are you talking about a sense of my own mortality or a fear of death?
Marcella: Well, I never really thought about it quite like that.
Martin Q. Blank: Did you go to yours?
Marcella: Yes, I did. It was just as if everyone had swelled.
You can disagree, but that's not going to stop me from rewatching it right about now.
You know, the last time I heard the words "Easy, Cracker", it may have been an insult. Didn't think it was culinary advice.
(via BoingBoing)
(via BoingBoing)
All is Right in the World
Roger Ebert hates the new Twilight flick
Best opening for a movie review in a while:
Still not as good as the old Bloom County line "This movie does for film what Jonestown did for Kool-Aid.", but up there.
Best opening for a movie review in a while:
The characters in this movie should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan. Never have teenagers been in greater need of a jump-start. Granted some of them are more than 100 years old, but still: their charisma is by Madame Tussaud.
Still not as good as the old Bloom County line "This movie does for film what Jonestown did for Kool-Aid.", but up there.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Holy Crap, I'm sick of Ticketmaster.
There's a litany of everything that's wrong with TicketMaster around any corner, you can go look them up. Fees, sudden cancellations without refunds, you name it.
But as I'm not a big fan of receiving spam, I set up a new email account every time I have to purchase through them. Lecture by Azar Nafisi and Marjane Satrapi, here comes the email: "We see from your interests that you might be interested in the upcoming shows: Green Day, Slayer, Dashboard Confessional." Skinny Puppy tickets? "We see from your interests you might be interested in the upcoming shows: All American Rejects, Bon Jovi, Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons"
Seriously, I'm not making this up. You can click on every opt-out button you see, and they're still going to send you this shit.
Throw on top of that the venues are now in on the act. So you get all the Ticketmaster spam saying "You will like this!" and all of the venue spam "They are playing here, so you should see it!"
Fuck it. If I go see another concert, it's going to be cash on the barrelhead at the door.
But as I'm not a big fan of receiving spam, I set up a new email account every time I have to purchase through them. Lecture by Azar Nafisi and Marjane Satrapi, here comes the email: "We see from your interests that you might be interested in the upcoming shows: Green Day, Slayer, Dashboard Confessional." Skinny Puppy tickets? "We see from your interests you might be interested in the upcoming shows: All American Rejects, Bon Jovi, Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons"
Seriously, I'm not making this up. You can click on every opt-out button you see, and they're still going to send you this shit.
Throw on top of that the venues are now in on the act. So you get all the Ticketmaster spam saying "You will like this!" and all of the venue spam "They are playing here, so you should see it!"
Fuck it. If I go see another concert, it's going to be cash on the barrelhead at the door.
Be careful what you wish for
So..um, maybe nobody in Texas is married anymore.
As a friend said "oops"
Another take, and yet another
This gets a special place in my sense of amusement as my father and stepmother live in Texas, and I may have had some conversations with my father last fall regarding CA Prop-8 where we weren't seeing eye-to-eye.
(for the record, he still hasn't gotten back to me on a certain question that I set him up with already knowing the answer. In his, er, defense, he probably forgot.)
For the record, I believe that powers that be are already in a race to resolve this, and the powers that would like to be are going to make as much hay as they can out of it. I still reserve the right to be amused by it for now.
As a friend said "oops"
Another take, and yet another
This gets a special place in my sense of amusement as my father and stepmother live in Texas, and I may have had some conversations with my father last fall regarding CA Prop-8 where we weren't seeing eye-to-eye.
(for the record, he still hasn't gotten back to me on a certain question that I set him up with already knowing the answer. In his, er, defense, he probably forgot.)
For the record, I believe that powers that be are already in a race to resolve this, and the powers that would like to be are going to make as much hay as they can out of it. I still reserve the right to be amused by it for now.
Worst thing I've heard in a while: "I'm sorry you won't get to be with your family for Thanksgiving, that's too bad. But I'll get to be with mine, which is good."
Bitter pill to swallow in a conversation about how my family is doing right after my grandmother died and I'd lost a significant piece of core family.
Bloody hell. Fuck it.
Bitter pill to swallow in a conversation about how my family is doing right after my grandmother died and I'd lost a significant piece of core family.
Bloody hell. Fuck it.
ok scratch that.
This is just too good.
Golly, we might have to buy *gasp* generics.
(or on second thought, I haven't bought frozen waffles in nearly ten years...)
So, as a public service, here's a decent waffle recipe:
2C all-purpose flour
2t. baking powder
2T sugar
1/2t salt
2 eggs
1t vanilla extract
2C milk
6T butter
Melt the butter or hack it up into real wee bits. Mix it in with the liquid ingedients as best you can. Mix together the dry the ingredients as best you can. Fold the wet into the dry and let them sit for about 30 minutes (gives the baking powder a chance to get working). Cook on your favorite waffle iron. Makes...um....enough. You can freeze the leftovers and guess what, they're just like the missing frozen waffles. Wacky, no?
Turns out that this holds true for just about any waffle recipe you can find on teh intarwebs, so if you don't like this one, there's plenty of others.
No waffle iron? Well, there's probably plenty of pancake recipes you can go with. The truth of the matter is that anything from waffles to french toast can be made in a batch and frozen with less than an hour's effort for more than a week's worth. I'm sure you all have an inkling of this, but I like the idea of the great Eggo Shortage of 2009 followed by Eggo Rations/Eggo Lines/etc.
Golly, we might have to buy *gasp* generics.
(or on second thought, I haven't bought frozen waffles in nearly ten years...)
So, as a public service, here's a decent waffle recipe:
2C all-purpose flour
2t. baking powder
2T sugar
1/2t salt
2 eggs
1t vanilla extract
2C milk
6T butter
Melt the butter or hack it up into real wee bits. Mix it in with the liquid ingedients as best you can. Mix together the dry the ingredients as best you can. Fold the wet into the dry and let them sit for about 30 minutes (gives the baking powder a chance to get working). Cook on your favorite waffle iron. Makes...um....enough. You can freeze the leftovers and guess what, they're just like the missing frozen waffles. Wacky, no?
Turns out that this holds true for just about any waffle recipe you can find on teh intarwebs, so if you don't like this one, there's plenty of others.
No waffle iron? Well, there's probably plenty of pancake recipes you can go with. The truth of the matter is that anything from waffles to french toast can be made in a batch and frozen with less than an hour's effort for more than a week's worth. I'm sure you all have an inkling of this, but I like the idea of the great Eggo Shortage of 2009 followed by Eggo Rations/Eggo Lines/etc.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Nothing to say.
I'll spare you the rehashed links, the xkcd, the crap I find on youtube.
I'm sorry, I just have nothing to say tonight.
Hope you are well.
I'm sorry, I just have nothing to say tonight.
Hope you are well.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Milestone 3
This is a primer.
A friend said that they'd been recommended to check out Skinny Puppy. Being one of my favorite bands, I said I would post a primer on the subject here. So, dutifully fulfilling my obligation.
You can go look up the history of them on places like Wikipedia or Litany, no need to rehash that.
But, a sampling, in no real order:
UPDATE: By request, another version of "Smothered Hope"
UPDATE 2: You don't like ogre, ok, try the ohgr.
You can go look up the history of them on places like Wikipedia or Litany, no need to rehash that.
But, a sampling, in no real order:
UPDATE: By request, another version of "Smothered Hope"
UPDATE 2: You don't like ogre, ok, try the ohgr.
I keep tabs on various places that might mention me. Total ego-thing, no doubt.
But for several weeks, I've been filtering shit from the convicts of this place (well, I think)
And it's a little funny watching them. Rock on, illiterate youth.
But for several weeks, I've been filtering shit from the convicts of this place (well, I think)
And it's a little funny watching them. Rock on, illiterate youth.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Everything I loved, early 90's edition.
Sorry, brain dump.
Tons more I could go with, but hey, I bothered you enough.
Tons more I could go with, but hey, I bothered you enough.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ok, this "embedding disabled by request" thing is getting annoying.
So, forget it, here's a link
Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day. This song, while the memories sort of predate the context, remind me of the era in my life that's going to be the height of sentimentality in the next 24 hours.
Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day. This song, while the memories sort of predate the context, remind me of the era in my life that's going to be the height of sentimentality in the next 24 hours.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ongoing Dispute #12
Been a good long while for one of these. Bring it on.
(source as often, OC Register)
- A bicyclist was struck by an egg thrown from a gold four-door sedan.
- A caller reported seeing a man on a bicycle with a gun tucked in the back of his pants. Police responded and learned the man was filming a "western" for a class film project, and the gun was an Airsoft pistol.
- A person was rolling on the ground in the middle of the street.
- Two people were seen fighting as several others looked on in Central Park. Police arrived to learn that the people involved were filming a fight scene for a movie.
- Police received two calls about possible shots being fired, but the police helicopter reported that the calls came in just about the time the Disneyland fireworks show started.
- A three-wheel adult tricycle with 30-inch wheels was reported stolen.
- A woman returned home to find a high-school-age boy in her dining room. She questioned the subject about why he wasn't in school, but he just left out the back door and walked away.
- A caller told police he paid a prostitute $300 but she left with her pimp without providing any services.
- Two cars collided and one person complained about pain.
- A fire was reported just north of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, and a 14-year-old boy was seen nearby panting and out of breath.
- A man with a crowbar was chasing another man.
- A man entered a store, grabbed a backpack and tore the tags off it. He then filled the bag with iPods, headphones and a GPS and left the store on a bike.
- A man wearing headphones was exposing himself at a gas station.
(source as often, OC Register)
A Triptych of Booger Haiku
I need to stop thinking about work.
Some days they run on
Some days they could cut through glass
Vile snot meet kleenex
Seriously, this is a bad sign.
An itch in my nose
Do not want to be picking
Anyone looking?
I've been fussing over fiddly technology bits too much.
Did anyone see
That bit dangling gently
Last time I sneezed?
Anybody got a peanut?
Some days they run on
Some days they could cut through glass
Vile snot meet kleenex
Seriously, this is a bad sign.
An itch in my nose
Do not want to be picking
Anyone looking?
I've been fussing over fiddly technology bits too much.
Did anyone see
That bit dangling gently
Last time I sneezed?
Anybody got a peanut?
It's that time again.
The weather is right, the days grow short, mood is set. Pack away the angry music and relax.
DJ Shadow - The Number Song.
I love fall.
(bonus: DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World)
DJ Shadow - The Number Song.
I love fall.
(bonus: DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Remember kids
Lawyers are not technologists. They are not scientists. They are not engineers. They are lawyers.
MR. JAKES: It might have. It might have.
JUSTICE SCALIA: It clearly did.
MR. JAKES: Well, it's not that clear from Circuit's transformation test whether that or not, because although the Federal Circuit but his undulating has said transformation of data might qualify, it said it has to represent something physical, something -- a real object. And sound doesn't necessarily have to be that. Sound can be generated artificially. So --
JUSTICE SCALIA: Sound -- sound is not physical, and electric current is not physical?
MR. JAKES: I think electric current is physical.
JUSTICE SCALIA: Yes, I think so.
JUSTICE SCALIA: Sound is, too.
MR. JAKES: It can be, but when it's over a wire, it's not. It's something else. It's an electrical current then.
JUSTICE SCALIA: Sound is not transmitted over the wires. Sound has been transformed into current, and current is transmitted over the wire and then transformed back at the other end into sound.
Dear World
Dear World,
You don't like search engines, create a file on your domain's root called robots.txt. All it needs to have is this:
Thank you.
If you're a user that doesn't have access to such things, well, you'll just have to self-censor.
That'll be my public service announcement for the year, thankyaverymuch.
You don't like search engines, create a file on your domain's root called robots.txt. All it needs to have is this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Thank you.
If you're a user that doesn't have access to such things, well, you'll just have to self-censor.
That'll be my public service announcement for the year, thankyaverymuch.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Sonic Death Rabbit
Been listening to them since they opened for SP a couple weeks ago. Really liking it.
Here, try some:
Here, try some:
Friday, November 06, 2009
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Ok, I totally can't parse this, and on the hope that it's being an early edit is the only explanation, this is going to be one of the few times I ever copy/paste an article verbatim. Seriously.
Oh, crap, it's AP. I probably owe them scads of money now.
I blame MSNBC, where I found this
What I think I did figure out is that Baker's husband is not the father. Baker is not the mother. The local law enforcement checks garbage first. It might not be the best of neighborhoods, but the locals are keen on it? So, um, Mercer is the mother, but Baker's husband, not the father. Baker not the mother. Clearly Mercer. Not Baker nor her husband. But keep in mind that "her parents" are referred to as a general, so maybe not Mercer (earlier referred to as the mother.) Uh. Er. Um. WTF? Oh, ok, adoption. Let's keep them secret, parents of "Shannon Dedrick". We won't figure you out your identity, parents of "Shannon Dedrick" Nope, no clue there.
I would just like to go on the record that I have never met or married Baker, Mercer or Baker's husband. Nor do I have a child with the surname "Dedrick", which is clearly not "Baker" or "Mercer". And I suspect Haddock is mostly an innocent bystander. Just sayin' is all.
So, hey, how's that newspaper subscription business going?
UPDATE: It appears they re-wrote it. I wonder how much other off-writing gets replaced when nobody's looking?
CHIPLEY, Fla. - A tot missing for 5 days has been found alive under her baby sitter's bed, authorities said early Thursday. Police said 3 people had been detained in the case.
Washington County Sheriff Bobby Haddock said that investigators found 7-month-old Shannon Dedrick in a box at Susan Elizabeth Baker's home near Chipley, a rural Panhandle town.
Haddock said deputies are working to charge Baker, her husband James Arthur Baker and Chrystina Lynn Mercer, who is the child's mother.
The girl's parents reported her missing Saturday afternoon. Haddock said authorities don't believe the father was involved. He said Susan Baker and the father are related.
The girl was last seen when her parents went to bed about 3 a.m. Saturday.
Earlier in the week, police said they believe she disappeared from her home in this remote, makeshift community of dirt roads, tin-roof shacks and old mobile homes sometime before 8 a.m. Saturday. Her parents reported her missing around 11 a.m.
"We have searched every dumpster in the city limits of Chipley, we have turned over every garbage can," Haddock told reporters on Monday.
At the time, Haddock said search teams had been focused on the densely wooded area surrounding the enclave about 45 miles north of Panama City where the girl and her family live.
"The child cannot walk or crawl, it did not leave the residence by itself," he said.
Neighbors in the ramshackle neighborhood of clotheslines and "Beware of Dog" and "No Trespassing" signs on Monday said they rarely spoke to or saw the parents of the missing infant.
"They had only lived here about two months. I only know that this is a wonderful neighborhood and I've always felt safe here," said Donna Davis, who lives two homes down.
Oh, crap, it's AP. I probably owe them scads of money now.
I blame MSNBC, where I found this
What I think I did figure out is that Baker's husband is not the father. Baker is not the mother. The local law enforcement checks garbage first. It might not be the best of neighborhoods, but the locals are keen on it? So, um, Mercer is the mother, but Baker's husband, not the father. Baker not the mother. Clearly Mercer. Not Baker nor her husband. But keep in mind that "her parents" are referred to as a general, so maybe not Mercer (earlier referred to as the mother.) Uh. Er. Um. WTF? Oh, ok, adoption. Let's keep them secret, parents of "Shannon Dedrick". We won't figure you out your identity, parents of "Shannon Dedrick" Nope, no clue there.
I would just like to go on the record that I have never met or married Baker, Mercer or Baker's husband. Nor do I have a child with the surname "Dedrick", which is clearly not "Baker" or "Mercer". And I suspect Haddock is mostly an innocent bystander. Just sayin' is all.
So, hey, how's that newspaper subscription business going?
UPDATE: It appears they re-wrote it. I wonder how much other off-writing gets replaced when nobody's looking?
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
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